Chapter 12 - "What do you think of Spencer? He's Cute, right?"

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Spencer leads Arabella up the flights of stairs and down the hallway to his bedroom.  He opens the door allowing both of them to enter the room before shutting the door closed.

To say he was nervous was an understatement. This was the first time he's ever allowed another girl, that's not his mother and little sister, to enter his room.

His eyes scan the room and he notices a pair of underwear sprawled out on the floor.  He quickly runs and tosses it under his bed. Hoping the other didn't notice it.

"You okay?" Arabella questions, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm fine. Just saw a spider and I didn't want it to scare you" Spencer lies through his teeth.

"I'm not afraid of spiders." Arabella chuckles. "But, it's cute how you're trying to protect me"

"So what I'm hearing is, you think I'm cute." Spencer wiggles his eyebrows, suggestively.

Arabella snorts "That's not what I said"

"I heard the words 'Cute' and 'you're' in the same sentence, so I'm gonna take that as, I think you're cute"

Arabella let's out a laugh "You're funny" she tells Spencer, who starts laughing along with her.

"We should probably get started on that project now, before it gets too late" Arabella suggests, while sobering up from laughter.

"You're right. Let's, get started."Spencer says, walking over to his desktop computer and pulling out his gaming chair so that Arabella could sit down.

"Thank you" Arabella thanks him, while Spencer goes to grab the foot stool for himself.  

"So, I was thinking," Arabella begins, while taking a notebook out of her school bag.
"maybe we could do a visual presentation. What do you think?"

"I'm okay with whatever you choose, princess" Spencer smiles, cheekily.

Arabella rolls her eyes at the nickname "Aren't you tired of that nickname as yet?"

Somehow she felt that sooner or later, someone would recognize her true identity, if Spencer kept calling her by that name.

Grinning, Spencer shakes his head "Nope, I think it suits you. Plus, I happen to think you're much more beautiful than all the other girls I've seen.

Arabella flushes at his remark, her face becoming a bright shade of red "Right, let's get back to the assignment." She tells him, returning her attention to the notebook in her hand.

Spencer cracks another hidden smile, noticing the obvious effect his words had on the other.  Though, he doesn't mention it, because he doesn't want to make her feel uncomfortable.

A moment later, there's a knock on Spencer's door and Phillip makes an appearance into the room.

"Sorry for the disturbance, young master," Phillip begins, offering an apology for disrupting the two teenagers "Madam sent me to remind you about tonight's dinner."

"Oh right, I totally forgot about that" Spencer sighed "Thanks for the reminder, Phillip"

The latter nods in response before exiting the room, leaving the two alone again. Now was probably a good time to ask Madison if she wanted to stay for dinner. Spencer thought to himself.

"Hey, I know this is kind of sudden, but would you like to stay for dinner?"

"That's kind of you, but I wouldn't want to intrude. And besides, I'm still wearing my uniform."

"Nonsense, I invited you, didn't I? So you wouldn't be intruding" Spencer tries to reason, "And as for the uniform issue, don't worry, I've got that covered"

Quickly walking over to his computer, Spencer grabbed his phone that was situated on the table before unlocking the phone. He opened the contact list and selected the person who he wanted to call.

The phone rings once before a familiar high pitched voice picks up the call

"Hey Spence, what can I do for you?"

"Hi Tina. Can you bring over some female clothes, for me"

"Female clothes? For you?" The woman sounded confused "Have you developed some weird fetish that I should know about?"

"Of course not!" Spencer scowled into the phone "It's for a friend"

"A friend, you say. Are you sure it's not a girlfriend?

"No. But she could be" Spencer smiles looking in Arabella's direction.

Tina let's out a squeal of excitement, "Say no more, I'm on my way"


Shortly after his phone call with Tina, Phillip returns to notify the two of Tina's arrival.

"Young master, Ms.Tina has arrived and is waiting for you in the living room" Phillip's voice said on the opposite side of the door.

"We'll be right down" Spencer says back.

Spencer opens the door, allowing Arabella to exit the room first and then they make their way down the stairs.

"Hi I'm Tina" the woman greets happily as they entered the living room  "And you must be-

"Madison. My friend" Spencer cuts in, before Tina could say something that would most likely embarrass him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Madison. Spencer's friend" the woman beams, a large dimple appearing on her right cheek.

"You as well" Arabella greets back, offering a smile of her own.

"Spence, why don't you go get changed and leave Madison and I, to get better acquainted" Tina stated, attempting to push Spencer out of the room.

"I'm going. But please, don't say anything weird" Spencer replies. Whispering the last part so that only Tina could hear.

"So Madison," Tina speaks again, once she hears Spencer's footsteps heading up the flight of stairs "What do you think of Spencer? He's Cute, right?

"Yeah, he's pretty cute" Arabella answered honestly. Although she wasn't sure why Tina was asking her this question.

"Hmm, and would you say he's potential boyfriend material?"

"I don't know, we hardly know anything about each other."

Tina didn't look a hundred percent convinced after hearing her answer, but decided to let it go for the meantime.

"Okay,enough about Spencer, let's get you ready for tonight's dinner"


Hi guys!

How are you? 

I Hope everyone is well and staying safe.

I'm so sorry that I took so long to update. I'm swamped with assignments right now, so I can only update when I get some free time. 

But hopefully, you all enjoyed this short chapter. Let me know what you thought about it in the comments.

Also comment what you want to happen next.

That's all for now. Bye 😀

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