Doubtful Breakfast

Start from the beginning

Emilia feels her heart sink slowly in her chest, could that really be it? Did he not have feelings for her at all? Was it all just to get a damn pay check?

With her mind running away from her she, being as clumsy as she is, doesn't realize that one of the doors to the dining room is closed, nearly running into it as she tries to walk inside. The only reason she doesn't get a much deserved concussion is a firm hand on her waist stopping her just in time from running into it head first, directing her to the right instead so she can enter the area uninjured but her pride.

"Be careful, Miss Emilia" Comes an almost laugh-like whisper from behind her as the hand slides down her hip before leaving her skin. The familiar as ever dark blush creeps up her cheeks as she merely nods before walking in properly.

Could he really affect her as much as he does if it is only an act? And do all these gentlemanly things as well? They aren't part of his job, he has to share my feelings.

But the doubt that plagues her mind doesn't let the blush creep any further as she takes the seat, feeling it move gently beneath her from his push on the chair and the food finally registers before her.

Just like with the brunch on her first morning with Mr. Delmont, there is a gorgeous spread of pastries and toast in the fanciest British-like set up she could ever have imagined, and all doubts disappear as her mind immediately turns to that delicious food before her.

Because it had been prepared for her mother and not her, everything seemed to be only luke warm and not nearly as fresh as an hour or so ago, but she really could have cared less as she piles her plate with cheesy scrambled eggs and turkey bacon, devouring it so quickly that a vanishing act could have been performed.

After the first plate of delightfully delicious food, she pulls a bowl of fresh strawberries towards her, licking her lips with the delicious red color and practically moaning as she takes her first bite of the delectable fruit, simply using fingers to eat around stem after stem.

She had practically eaten the entire bowl by the time her stomach finally feels comfortably full and she manages to gulp down some water to join it in her stretched to bursting tummy, glad for the high-waistedness of those sweatpants that helps disguise it very effectively.

The whole meal had taken her no more than 20 minutes to eat, and with the sheer amount she had inhaled, it was almost a surprise it even took her that long. But, after not actually having a snack the evening before and the small amount of food she had eaten, of course she was hungry. 

Feeling awkward suddenly as a servant comes and begins to clear everything away, she stands up to get out of the way, muttering a hurried thank you as she backs out of the dining hall again, and with no surprise that Alexander is directly behind her, never far away.

Climbing those stairs she feels a little shock of deja vu of that first kiss they had shared, and she couldn't help those butterflies that told her to slow down so maybe he can do it again and pull away all the doubts that had been taking hold in her brain, of course, he doesn't.

Making it to her door she opens it before turning to him quickly, her mind made up. Today was the day, she was figuring this out, and even he couldn't stop her.

Standing up a little straighter she gives him her most heart melting smile and tilts her head to meet his eyes determinedly. 

"Can we go to the beach today? I would like to get some sun during these months and I think it would be great to see the waves again." She tries to be innocent about the question, but she can feel her heart pounding out of control and her palm sweating uncomfortably on the door knob. 

"Of course, there are many popular beaches around her, Crescent Beach, Marino Cove, and of course Mr. Delmont has a private portion a little further away at . . "

"Oh, no, I would like to go to Stone Edge beach, I've heard they have some beautiful rockpools that I would love to explore." Emilia tells him and a small frown crosses his face, the beach she is talking of is nearly an hour and a half away, and very close to the dock that she wants to search.

She can tell that perhaps he is a little apprehensive, but she had the feeling that he couldn't refuse her request, and that he suspected it may have something to do with the investigation that he knows she hasn't dropped yet.

"I really think it would be better. ."

"Please?" She asks, dropping her smile just a fraction and allowing her eyes to plead with his. She knew she was good at this, she had plenty of experience of getting boys to stop goofing off, and she also knew that he had to drive her, and without proper cause for suspicion or an order from Mr. Delmont not to take her somewhere, he had almost no choice.

"Very well Miss Emilia, while you get ready I will inform Mrs. Delmont and pull the car around, I will be awaiting your arrival." He says, very stiff now as he turns away and she can't help but let out a sigh of relief before going into her room, practically giddy with nerves.

If only she could bring Jazz with her, but her determination to find the truth would not be stopped because of Mr. Delmont's determination to keep her from her best friend in the entire world, he would find out, to his cost, that she was smarter than he had ever anticipated, and the he had made a very large mistake in involving her in whatever he is planning.

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