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                                                                  George's POV
Back at Hogwarts for my 5th year. I was sitting next to Fred in the Great Hall, zoning in and out as Dumbledore said the same speech he did every year. I loved Hogwarts, it was like my second home, but if I was being completely honest, sometimes it could get boring. That's why Fred and I always tried to make each year more exciting and fun than the last. Not just for us, but for our fellow classmates.

"You ok Georgie?" Fred asks, poking my arm. I am pulled back to reality, realizing that Dumbledore was finally done his speech and it was time to eat.
I was so distracted with my thoughts that I forgot how hungry I was.

"Oh, yeah I'm great" I reply.

"So my dear brother, how are we going to make this year the best 5th year any Hogwarts students have ever had?" Fred asks. I chuckle.

"Well I guess we'll just have to wait and see" I say piling food onto my plate.
After everyone was finished eating we all headed back to our dorms to change for bed. At Hogwarts it was tradition that on the first night at school, students 3rd year and up, would all have a grand sleepover in the great hall.

I changed into some pyjamas and grabbed my pillow. Fred and I walked to the Great Hall, where the floor was full of thin cheap mattresses. There still wasn't enough for each student to have their own so there was a few mattresses that were slightly bigger for students to share. Fred and I shared. It wasn't a big deal for us.
The evening was filled with laughter and fun. At one point, all of us were running around the hall chanting and cheering. About what? I have absolutely no clue.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" yelled our brother Ron, as we chased him around while smacking him with our pillows. We eventually stopped chasing him, as we could no longer run since we were laughing so hard.

At around 11 o'clock mcgonagal came into the hall telling us all it was time for lights out. I had to quickly go to the other side of the hall since I had dropped my pillow whilst chasing Ron. I grabbed it and carefully walked back over to where Fred and my mattress was. It was difficult to navigate my way there since it was so dark. I was just trying to look for one of the bigger mattresses. I finally found it. I laid down next to Fred.

"Night Freddie." I say and pull the covers up to my shoulders.

"Ummm..." I hear a voice say.

I was not laying next to Fred.

I scamper to my feet and there was just enough light to see who it was that I had climbed into bed next to. Y/n y/l/n. I hadn't really ever talked to her much I just learned some things about her from others talking. She was in Hufflepuff and she was very nice. She was also very pretty. I felt so embarrassed.

"Sh!t sorry I mean sh!t f-ck sorry!" I stammer realizing everyone was looking and all the 3rd years were hearing this.

I quickly run back over to where I thought Fred really was, and luckily I was correct. I lay down next to him, my cheeks feeling like they were on fire. Fred rolled over to face me and propped himself up on his elbow. He smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.
"Shut up" I say even more embarrassed. I roll over and just want to delete this whole thing from my memories.

A great way to start off my 5th year huh?

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