chapter twenty-three

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the small button next to his inbox had been blinking for almost two weeks before he got the courage to check what the message was. luckily, a text from j-hope assured him that it was nothing negative-

and he was right!

tae had been offered a spot on the runway; his first walking fashion show. he almost felt guilty for how happy the news made him, still sad over the passing of his beloved gram but jungkook had reassured him that he was deserving. that this opportunity came as a sign from her to keep moving forward with his own dream.

and how could he say no to that logic?

that was the reason he was currently sat in a stage chair, a half face of makeup covering his skin as he let another person pluck at the strands of his hair. he felt oddly calm despite the nerves he expected, aware of his surroundings but not feeling any bit intimidated by them.

he felt completely and entirely in his element.

"you ready for wardrobe?" a man's voice called out from the corner, a bustle of girls and guys running around with duct tape across their chests and half torn off robes as they attempted to slide into the clothes presented.

tae followed suit, a girl brushing blush onto his cheeks as another helped him into an over-embroidered suit jacket. he was lead to a line of others, stationed between two unfamiliar faces who were just waiting for their cue.

they seemed to have done this before, confident as the first one stepped onto the main platform and clapped her heels along the runway. tae watched with envy at how natural she looked- not awkward or lanky; he wanted to appear the same.

a woman with a headset strapped on counted him down and helped him onto the runway; it was like his mind went blank. a sea of black with waves of flashing lights from all the cameras that surrounded him.

he tried to look right and left but every face was a blur as he maintained a serious and stoic expression, fitting for the attire.

the entire walk down lasted barely twenty seconds before he was whisked back to his spot and thrown into another outfit. he was still coming down from the first time when he was tossed onto the stage again.

from the front row he could hear a clap, one of those ones so distinct that you always knew who it was from. it was from namjoon.

tae tried to remain thin lipped but it was hard knowing his brother had come to cheer him on.

"great job, great job!" another man with a headset and clipboard pulled tae to the right side, "at the end you'll join the group walk with these folks and the designer."

the brunette nodded, sliding behind another overly tall and lanky man as they waited for the final walk they'd have to complete.

what had lasted for almost an hour felt like nothing more than a few seconds. his time spent walking barely a blip in the day as he headed backstage for the last time. a few people helped him from the clothes, hanging them back up and applying steam right away. he was led to his own attire which had been neatly folded by some assistant and left on a chair with his name.

suddenly the basic shirt and pants seemed so simple; compared to what he'd just been in, it was. tae wondered if cinderella felt the way same way when she was stripped of her gown at midnight- was she lonely without luxury?

he followed the mass of people out to the main room where everyone had been seated, ecstatic to see a whole little crowd of people there for him. his eyes were fixated on namjoon who looked nervously prideful.

"joonie! you came!" his thin arms wrapped up his brother in a sweet hug. the two had been in a state of disconnection through everything, both grieving new losses and old in private.

"you'll have to thank jin! he convinced me it would be good to see you actually doing your thing." namjoon pointed to the thin male to his left with the perfect smile.

"and? do you get it?"

"you looked perfect up there. you were made to be in front of the cameras!" namjoon shoved his hands into his pockets nervously, "it suits you more than being behind a desk."

"thank you." tae couldn't help but hug his brother once more, "for your words, for coming to see me, for being you, for everything!"

they stayed like that for a minute, forgetting that everyone else was around them until jimin dared to break the silence, "i'm hungry!"

yoongi tried to hush him but was quickly shut down.

"i agree! i haven't ate all day." tae was grateful his best friend had a big mouth.

"you did good tae, not that i expected differently!" jimin looped his arm around his friends shoulder, "so, we can go wherever you want! my treat!"

"did dad raise your black card limit?" tae cocked a brow.

"you're rude!" jimin scolded, "and for your information i've started to really apply myself. mostly because yoongi and my father met and my father convinced yoongi that he needed to bully me into working. heaven forbid i just be a trophy wife."

"the audacity!"

jungkook pulled tae away from his best friends embrace, "do i get a moment to compliment you?"

"compliment away!" tae blushed feeling the younger place one hand on each hip.

"you were amazing. incredible! show stopping!" his cheeks turned bright pink as he continued, "i may have told everyone at the end that you were my boyfriend because i just couldn't stop myself from bragging."

"that's the sweetest thing i've ever heard. thank you!" taehyung quickly brushed his lips against jungkook's cheek. a sign that they could finish this conversation later.

"could i steal him for one second?" a man in overpriced cashmere came up behind the group. he looked aggressively official with his silk ascot and expensive loafers.

"s- sure! take him!" j-hope recognized the man immediately, pushing his friend forward.

tae couldn't say no; not when everyone was insisting.

"you were great out there." the man poked at his glasses, adjusting them against the bridge of his nose, "whose your agent?"

"i don't currently have one." taehyung glanced at the floor, a little embarrassed at the lack of organization in his career.

"well, if you come work for me you'll not only have a agent, but you'll have deals with brands like gucci, fendi, chanel, ysl- dare i say more?" his aura was confident, not cocky. almost fatherly.

he passed his business card to tae, "i know you have plans and you're on a runway high but tomorrow when you come down, give me a call."

"oh- okay." the brunette couldn't help but reread the information, wondering if it would ever stick with him as he thought about the listed brands.

this little tiny card was his dream right in front of him. everything he ever wanted was right here, on four lines. call that number and he'd be modeling for every brand he ever dreamed of since he was a little kid.

the whole thing felt beyond surreal as he walked back over to the group who had immersed themselves in conversation. j-hope glanced at tae knowingly, not naive to the fact that the brunette had shoved the business card into his pocket with little regard.

he wondered what was going through his mind.

"what was that about?" jimin wiggled his eyebrows playfully.

tae shook his head, "nothing. just wanted to tell me it was a good show!"

"well it was, excellent! and now, food." jimin quickly changed the subject, completely oblivious to any shift in tae's energy.

jungkook laced his fingers with tae, a demure smile that the brunette wanted desperately to return. it felt impossible with the knot in his stomach, the confusion clouding his vision but he muddled.

it was easier than explaining the sudden change of heart.

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