siphoners and heretics

Start from the beginning

- even locations or houses that been used to practice witchcraft constantly have a source of magic

- curses made by witches

- werewolf bites and venom

- compulsion

- vampire blood in a human

- spells in placed by witches including protective, cloaking, barrier, etc.

basically, if it's got magic or has been around magic for a long time, it's fair game

however, there are magical items that have been protected with anti-magic spells such as:

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however, there are magical items that have been protected with anti-magic spells such as:

Rayna Cruz's sword

The sword is used with the phoenix stone to capture the hunted vampire's soul.

When the huntress couldn't capture the vampire, she could use the sword to leave a mark on them. A large 'X' wound that doesn't heal and links her to able to see what the marked vampire sees. Even as a fail safe it works, if she completely dies, but dead-dead, she takes all her marked vampires with her.

one of the heretics, Beau, had the X scar and kept it even after the Rayna lost her sword and the stone separated from it. The heretics weren't able to remove the mark with siphoning, so it was immune to their power.

this is the only thing that we've seen that couldn't be siphoned off

because even spells that are meant to behave as a 'no magic allowed' area, siphoners still had the ability to suck it out, such as when Kai was in Mystic Falls and his powers shouldn't have worked but he was able to siphon off the entire spell that covered the whole town against spirit magic.

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