Quickly making the pasta in the boiling water she looks over to where she had set things to begin mixing in the milk, butter and cheese to make one of her favorite and easy dishes of easy mac n' cheese with some delicious chicken. 

As she cooks, the kitchen is eerily silent as he doesn't make a sound and she tries to ignore his presence, but even when she tries it is impossible. He is too solid and present to ignore, and he stands so close leaning on that counter. He stands so comfortably too with his arms crossed.

With all the cooking, the kitchen gets warmer and when she takes off her cardigan and moves to tie it around her waist, she feels his hand meet hers, his breath on her shoulder as he takes it from her ever so gently. "Allow me," He murmurs quietly, taking it and laying it neatly on the counter as she tries not to turn a very bright red color.

Hearing a rustling behind her, she tries to look at him sneakily out of the corner of her eye, seeing him stripping off his own suit jacket. Her sly look turns into a much more open one as she sees him slipping it over his broad shoulders and tugging off the sleeves to lay it gently beside her cardigan.

Suddenly, his muscles, which were clear beneath that jacket, appear much more pronounced beneath the thin but well-made cotton of the white dress shirt. She can't help but bite her bottom lip between her teeth, looking away quickly with a furiously red face, the only thing running through her mind is how hot he looks.

With being distracted with his removing of his outer most layer, she manages to lay the edge of her palm on the hot metal of the stove as she stirs the pot, yelping as it burns her and yanking her hand back quickly. She holds her wrist, staring at the ugly red mark across the fleshy part of her palm near the thumb, throbbing with the pain of it.

Another hand grabs her wrist gently and pulls her over to the sink, turning on a thin stream of cool water and lowering her hand into it. She hisses, trying to pull away at the painful sensation of it, even though with all her hazardous accidents, including burns, she knows its the best way to try and stop the burning a little.

As she tries to pull away, she can feel his firm back at her rear, holding her in place. "You need to be much more careful Emilia." He murmurs, again beside her ear and causing those goosebumps that had her shivering snake their way down her spine.

"It seems that every time I am in danger, you are saving me, even from a little burn like this." She giggles softly, it was odd. With him in the same room as her she felt nervous and shaky constantly, but now that he is so close to her, all she feels is warmth, and perhaps a little safer.

"As I've said before, I will always protect you." His mouth is so close to her ear, that she fears if he were to get any closer, his lips would grace it, but then again, would that really be such a bad thing?

He gently pulls her hand from the water and uses a gentle hand and towel to dab the raw mark dry, holding his ground directly behind her as if trapping her on purpose between that and the sink.

Turning her slowly by the wrist, careful not to touch her injured palm, he traps her with his other hand on the counter behind her. She is so close to his chest that she can see each fiber of the fabric woven together to cover that perfectly sculpted chest. Below the fabric, in a darker pattern, she can see a tattoo blossoming over his pectoral, only one, but even through the fabric she could tell it was a work of art.

Swallowing hard she slowly moves her eyes upward to meet the devil's grey ones, he always trapped her with those. They were just always so entrancing, like a pool of mercury, a liquid metal that would poison her if she got too close. But she couldn't resist their magnetic properties all the same.

"Emilia, I wanted to say this before, after dinner, but I didn't take the chance."

"Say, what?" She murmurs, so entranced that no matter what he said she didn't think she would even recognize it as words. 

"You're beautiful, you don't need those fancy clothes, or the money, you're perfect just the way you are." He tells her, and she can feel her face heating up and her eyes heating with a small wave of tears.

No one had ever told her that, no one had ever told her that she didn't need to change, and hearing it from someone surrounded by those things on a daily basis, had her heart spilling over with things she had never known she could feel. But, she was who she was, and she shook her head no to that, she wasn't perfect, she had been told for so long that she could be so much better, do so much better, that she didn't know how to be what he says she already is.

A gentle hand below her chin, lifts her face a little higher, her eyes never leaving his as he leans down towards her slowly. "Let me prove it then." He murmurs against her lips, his brushing hers ever so softly before pressing against her own firmly. 

Her eyes finally leave his, as they flutter closed and her free hand goes to his chest, linking a finger between the buttons as she holds onto him tightly, not wanting to be let go. 

She shouldn't be doing this, this is wrong, Emilia attempts to persuade herself as she kisses him, mouth melding to his perfectly, his height bending her backwards slightly to an almost uncomfortable position. But she enjoys the kiss so much that it truly doesn't matter, she can't breathe for the longest time.

Finally, his lips leave hers and he stands up straight once more, giving her the smallest of smiles as his hands travels along her jawline, forcing an intake of breath as his thumb traces a line across her throat before gently tugging on a stray piece of hair, wrapping it around his finger.

His eyes examine her face thoroughly, as she simply stands there, watching him do it. She couldn't move, she was frozen to the spot, trying to catch breath that kept getting caught in the back of her throat with every stroke of his thumb along her face or neck. He pulls away slowly, finally allowing her to breathe properly and lets go of her wrist slowly, tracing up to her elbow before finally moving to the side, letting her pass him.

"I think your midnight snack is burning, Miss Emilia." He tells her, voice as straight as ever.

She wobbles, slightly light headed and unsteady on her feet as if she just came down from cloud 9, nodding her head slowly as she walks back to the food.

Suddenly, the macaroni and cheese doesn't seem so important to her stomach as it is full of butterflies at the moment. She supposed she did get a midnight snack though, just not the one she had been making.

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