Chapter 4

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"She wasn't given wings to see the world from a tree."



Chapter 4

"I can't believe that a girl is an assistant coach to the football team."

Arabella stops when she hears a guy a few feet to her left talking about her to a group of other boys. They all seem to be juniors; new to the school. She doesn't take notice of the small group of four seniors that stood a few feet away from the juniors and could also hear their conversation.

"Maybe she's hot as fuck?" The guy with blonde hair that stood opposite the first one that spoke, shrugs, "And the coach keeps her around to motivate the team."

"Hmm, that's probably why."

"Actually, that's not true. My brother is friends with her and he speaks very highly of her. Said that if she was born a guy, she would probably have been the QB instead of Flynn. And that ever since she started coaching them, of course, under the pretense of assistant coach, they barely lose any games. He says that she is a master strategist and even the coach had given up trying to beat her in that category."

Arabella squints her eyes as she tries to think who the boy's brother might be and her eyes widen briefly with a small smile. Oh, he must be Darrel's little brother. They definitely have the same eyes, strawberry hair and funny-looking ears.

"A girl," the first one scoffs, "Please, she probably slept with the team to get such a reputation. Or even the coach."

This got the other two agreeing while Darrel's brother disagreed with it.


"Oh, shit!" Jason curses when he sees Arabella from behind the juniors who were talking crap about her.

"They are going to get their asses handed to them." Derek added while Jared laughs with a shake of his head as he says, "Shame, I pity those fools. They messed with the wrong person."

"Obviously! And they still want to join the football team. She's going to torture those poor suckers." Jason adds

Marco was barely paying attention to the conversation of the younger boys and his friends as he kept his eyes on Arabella and couldn't help but feel a flare of awareness shoot through his body when her eyes blazed with anger.

Jason steps forward to the boys, "If I were you, I'd shut my trap before it's too late."

The boy who had first spoken, says, "Or what?" His voice filled with confidence and ego.

Marco watches intently, transfixed, as Arabella taps the boy's shoulder.

"Oh, hello, sexy lady." The boy gives her a dazzling smile, "What can I do for you?" He grins, his charm multiplied, but Arabella only finds it repulsive than attractive.

Arabella felt that familiar anger in her bubble from her core all the way to her lungs as it soured through every pore as she stares at the asshole who just tried to diminish everything she had works for.

"Well, I happen," she gives off a girlish giggle while tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, "to hear that you're talking about that girl assistant coach. And I was just wondering, uhm," she stutters adorably, making all the juniors believe that she was some innocent-naive girl, "If you perhaps know what she does to new junior students who talk smack about her behind her back and wants to join the football team?"

"Why should I care, doll face? She's just a girl, what harm cou-"

The boy didn't get to finish his sentence as he felt his breath get knocked out of him and he barely had time to comprehend the pain that spread from his gut to his brain when he felt his nose get crushed with an intense shooting blindness that threatens to knock him out.

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