One Crazy Morning 3/3

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It took a while to convince Logan not to murder the fellow cabinmate, but he eventually calmed down. Enough to the point where he wouldn't commit 1st degree murder on anyone. He got his outfit ready and started to get ready, unlike everyone else who had a major head start. The only one who wasn't ready at this point was the silent camper, considering he was still asleep. Logan didn't need to worry though, Remus took care of that...

Everyone got their shoes on and headed out the door once again to the mess hall. It was 7:50 at this point, so they had to hurry if everyone wanted all of the good food.

"So, just out of curiosity, why on Earth did you decide it would be a good idea to lock me out while I was doing you all a favor?" Logan asked out in the open, yet they all knew who it was directed to.

"Don't blame us!" Janus stated, "Remus was the one that did it,"

"Eh, but I do very clearly remember a specific someone bringing up the idea to do so," Remus replied, now eyeing Janus.

"I was half asleep!!! I wouldn't have known any better!!! Goodness, you slip up once when you're waking up and everyone makes a big deal out of it!"

"Well then at least I don't talk in my sleep like your claiming that you do right now!!!"

"Actually, I disagree," Roman interrupted Remus while he was in the middle of dissing Janus, "You really need to remember that I'm the light sleeper of the family,"

"Ok, we won't talk about it then!" Remus exclaimed.

"But you're the one that brought it up! Geez, and you say I'm the uncooperative one,"

"Like I said before," Remus replied to Roman's protests, "We won't be talking about that!"

Logan just stared in a mix of confusion, yet slight amusement. One half of his cabin mates; Janus and the twins, had somehow already managed to get themselves worked up to a fight, and they weren't even close to the mess hall yet. He looked over to Patton, then back to the unnamed camper, and they all silently agreed that no one knew what to do. Eventually, Logan stepped in with the others. Logan kept back Remus, Patton kept back Janus, and the silent cabin mate kept back Roman.

"Alright you savages, do you want to get some food or not? I'm the only one of you guys that has ever been here before, and if you want to make it to the mess hall on time, I'd suggest that you stop fighting before I just leave you three behind!" Logan exclaimed, trying to get everyone to quit their arguing.

They eventually stopped resisting and slowly got released. Everyone started their walk again, Logan still leading them to the building. After what seemed like forever, they finally made it to a big, cliffside building. Surprisingly, everyone made it in one piece, except for a few times when Patton tripped along the way.

"Maybe that's where his towel figuratively gets it from," Logan thought.

For breakfast, they had served eggs and bacon. Considering the crazy start of the day, breakfast was surprisingly calm. Calm for this particular group that is. No one had gotten injured, there was no one against each other's throats, and everything seemed to be going normally. Which meant Logan was honestly not surprised when Remus started declaring a food fight.


"YES HE IS!!!" Janus yelled out, throwing their eggs back at Remus.

Logan knew that the calmness that had been plaguing them wouldn't last that much longer. Everyone at the table started discussing which celebrity is the most attractive, and with Remus' opinion, it started to get a little heated. They eventually stopped screaming at eachother, although it was with the help of Roman pulling Remus back from attacking the poor kid. That wasn't enough to stop Janus from firing eggs though. They were determined to win this battle that they had already won.

Remus finally started firing back at Janus once he priyed himself off of Roman. In doing so, Remus accidentally overshot the egg and it landed right onto another cabin's table. They tried to shoot the eggs back, but the same thing happened and the eggs went to another table. More back and forth of this cycle and the whole mess hall was now involved in this fight. No, not fight, war. This was a literal war now.

Every table continued fighting until they heard a familiar voice echo through the building. It was camp director Thomas. "What on Earth is going on here?!?"

Everyone stayed silent, but it took Logan a while to realize that everyone else was pointing to his cabin's table. It wasn't a wrong answer, but Remus clearly got offended.

"You snitches!!! We would have let you all win it if you didn't rat us out!!!" Remus yelled out into the crowd.

Thomas sped walked over to the table, trying to examen everyone at it.
"Ok, I'm not surprised it was you guys that started this, but I just wanna ask why!?! What made you guys decide to start this whole fight?!?"

The whole room went silent. They all wanted to find out the cause of everyones behavior. Eventually Janus stood up. They took a deep breath, and with no hesitation stated, "Cause Brendon Urie is hot,"

"No he's not!-"

"Ok! Lets try not to start another fight!" Thomas exclaimed, trying to keep a war from ensuing, "How about you two stay after and clean up this place since you were the ones that started this whole fiasco,"

The table sat in silence. Everyone else had left at this point to go off and do activities, and it was only the gay cabin left. The two fighters looked at eachother, just before Janus started talking again, "I guess thats a fair enough punishment,"

"Yeah, well I'm only doing it if everyone else joins us two in cleaning,"

"Then all six of you better start scrubbing till this place is spotless,"

And just like that, Thomas was gone. Everyone stared back at Remus, clearly upset on how they have to clean. Logan was the only one of the group that started immediately by grabbing a broom from the closet.

"Well, what are we waiting for? The quicker we clean, the quicker we get back to our cabin,"

Everyone eventually started titying up the mess hall. There were a few hiccups along the way though. Patton dropped a plate and Remus managed to cut himself on said plate. Other then that, the place was looking pretty good. It had only been 12 minuets from when they started, and they were already finished.

"So...what now? We really can't just walk alone to our cabin," Roman asked.

Logan remembered the conversation he had earlier with Emile at the washers and brought up a point in the conversation.

"I do believe that either Emile or Remy will come pick us up from here. I genuinely hope it is Emile since I have some change that I need to return to him from this morning,"

"Oh money!"

Remus started to grab for the quarters that Logan took out. Patton was able to keep him
back for a little while until Remus finally stopped trying to get the money.

"Wow! This place is looking really clean! You guys did a really good job!" Emile exclaimed walking into the mess hall.

Everyone started running up to him as he opened the door to let them out. Logan passed him and handed Emile the change.

"It was from when you paid for the laundry. I was able to find the clip on the ground a little before I got locked out of the cabin by a specific someone,"

Logan glanced over to Remus, who was now surrendering with his hands up.

"Goodness! You got locked out of the cabin?"

"Yeah," Logan replied back to Emile, "You could say I had One Crazy Morning,"

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