Welcome To Camp 2/3

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It had been a couple hours later. The four of them had already had lunch and were sitting on their beds when the fifth cabin mate had arrived. He had immediately made a grand entrance with his obvious pull towards Remus' beanie he had left on his pillow.

"Oh my goodness!!! Is that a frog beanie?!?"

Virgil looked up to get a good glance at his new cabin mate; who was talking to Remus about his frog hat.

"Uh, yeah it's a frog hat. Do you like it?"

"Like it! I absolutely love it!! Oh, I suppose I'm getting a little off track. My name is Patton, and I was told that this was going to be my cabin for the summer," Patton responded still examining the beanie, "I'm gonna name you Sushi!"

"Patton, stop idolizing the hat. It's literally just a frog,"

Virgil shifted his focus towards the door where there was another person standing; assuming that they were the last cabin mate.

"Sorry, Jan. I just really like the frog!"

"It's ok," they replied, "But I'm sure there will be plenty of other opportunities to get to have fun with...sushi..."

"So," Logan commented while stepping more towards the last unnamed bunk mate, "Although I don't mind it too much, I would only have to assume that there was a reason for both of your unnecessarily tardy arrivals here,"

"Yeah, sorry about that. We live out in a different state and our dad doesn't really wake up in the morning too easily," Patton replied.

"Your dad. Not our dad," The last person added.

"Well, now I'm pretty sure everyone's here! Maybe we could all head down to the lake. We can all just talk and get an opportunity to learn more about each other!"

Virgil's throat tightened with Roman's wording. He had just met everyone, he couldn't bring himself to trust them enough to talk yet. That's what he did with everyone he met. Virgil only really talked if you had gained his trust, you had become good friends, or you were family of his. And now he was expected to open up with complete strangers that he had just gotten used to seeing the faces of. Virgil eventually sucked it up and grabbed the swimming trunks he had in his bag. He never really used them that much, he didn't really like the idea of himself in a swimsuit. He looked over to everyone else and immediately regretted it. Virgil just so happened to look at the rest of his cabin mates as they had already started to change. He let out a small squeal and quickly faced the back wall.

"Hey...uh...you? You ok?" A small, yet soft voice echoed across the cabin.

Virgil let out an embarrassed groan as Patton stepped closer. He didn't get too close, he had just gotten close enough to be able to get a good view of his face. Even when Patton had come closer, he still couldn't get a good view of Virgil as he was wearing a face mask that he had. Patton was able to tell that Virgil was uncomfortable about what had happened though, it had been pretty obvious.

"Hey, if it makes you feel more comfortable, you can wait until Janus gets out of the bathroom. You can change in there if you want," Patton stated, trying to calm Virgil down.

He could only let out a small nod as he had been too flustered from the current events to do anything else. Remus walked over to where the two of them were and curiously watched over them.

"How come you don't like the-"

Remus paused for a moment as realization clouded his head.

"Youre gay, aren't you?"

Virgil shot his head back around as Remus was giving a cold dead stare. He had obviously meant what he had asked. Virgil once again only mustered up enough willpower to give a small nod. He closed his eyes, preparing for the worst when he got confused by small little claps coming from behind him.

"Yay! Look at that Ro! We aren't alone!!!"

Virgil looked back around to Remus while noticing that he was the one clapping, slightly bouncing as he did.

"Wait a second, you and Roman are gay?" Patton asked, intrigued about the whole situation.

"Oh yes! We plead guilty, of homosexuality!" Roman stated, dramatically falling onto Remus' bed as he did so, "Or no-no straight as I like to call it,"

"Wait, are we all gay?!?" Patton asked, clearly excited.

"How intriguing. It seems that we have all been selected into this cabin due to us all having a common feature of homosexuallity," Logan stated, adjusting his glasses as he diverded his attention up from the book that he had placed on his lap.

"The gay cabin!!!" Remus exclaimed, even more jumpy then he was before, "Were the gay cabin!!!"

Virgil stared at all of them. He didn't think that he was going to fit in at all with everyone, but then the next thing he knew he got put in a cabin with a bunch of gays like him. Janus came out of the bathroom and Virgil walked in. Despite being a little more comfortable with what had happened, he had still felt like it had been a stupid way to react. He finally finished changing and came out of the bathroom when the cabin door had been knocked on lightly and slowly opened. In came a man with a badge on him that labeled him as a CIT (Counselor in training) and another one with a counselor badge.

"Hey everyone!" the counselor spoke, "My name is Emile and I'm going to be your camp counselor this summer! Oh, and this is Remy. He's going to be working with me as my CIT,"

    "Hello Emile and Remy. We were just about to head to the lake to relax and get to know each other all better. I would only have to assume that every one of our cabin mates are here considering that there are no more beds for any oncoming visitors," Logan stated.

    "Well, yeah. It looks like just about everyone is here! How about me and Remy come along with you guys? I don't think all of you should be heading out there all by yourselves,"

    "Yeah ok, that's fine," Remus replied to Emile's suggestion, "Only if you would let us have a little bit of freedom! I want to try and wrestle an alligator!"

    "What!!!" Patton exclaimed, "There are alligators here?!? Will it hurt us-"

    "No...there are no alligators in the water. And we will allow all of you to have a little bit of freedom, but no wrestling, got it?"

    Virgil looked back over to Remus as his excited smile turned into a disappointed frown.

    "Fine...I won't wrestle anything or anyone Emile...but can we at least go now?!? I'm getting bored of waiting on all of you!!!"

    Virgil looked back up from getting a towel and realized the rest of the group had left without him and quickly ran out to catch up.

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