Welcome To Camp 1/3

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A slightly shaken hand reached for the doorknob. Virgil stood there, contemplating whether he wanted to go in or not. He had never been the best with other people, specifically ones that he had never met, and now he was expected to meet an entire load of new faces he would have never seen before.

"C'mon Virgil. Just calm down, and walk right in," He thought to himself.

Virgil slowly twisted the knob and pushed the door open, trying to make as little noise as possible. A wave of relief came over him as he looked in the cabin. He had been the first to arrive. Virgil took a few more steps in and examined the beds. There were six of them; two sets of bunk beds and two single twin beds. He went over to claim the single farthest from the door and started unpacking. Virgil finished after about  a couple minutes and sat down. They didn't allow phones at the camp, but they did allow other electronics. He pulled out an old CD player and headphones that one of his relatives got him a year prior; which he had never had a use for, and an old disk and started listening to it. It didn't take long for him to get startled by the door swing inwards again. In stepped in a man that looked to be only a little bit older than Virgil, yet still slightly taller. He went over to one of the bottom bunks and started unpacking. He had finished in about two minutes which left Virgil impressed, yet slightly confused.

"Salutations," The man stated, reaching his hand out towards Virgil while the other adjusted his glasses, "It appears that we are going to be accompanying each other through this entire summer. My name is Logan, and it would be best interest if I could get to know yours,"

Virgil sat on the end of the bed, still trying to process what Logan had just said when he had heard a voice from above him.

"I asked what your name was. I apologize if I had spoken too fast,"

Virgil thought about what he was going to do about this situation. He didn't believe that anyone was going to come up and talk to him this early after he had just gotten there.

"I suppose I can find out later. It's best to believe that you may be slightly anxious due to my sudden arrival and immediately engage in conversation," Logan replied as he walked over to his bed.

He sat down and grabbed a book he had placed on the window seal and quickly started to read. Virgil watched him walk back to the bunk and became even more confused than before. He was stunned by how patient he had been with Virgil.

"How on Earth did he realize that quickly...can he read minds or something!?!"

Virgil quickly shook off the thought and placed his headphones back on. He put his head back and tried to relax a bit; which was working for about an hour...and then-

     "I CALL TOP BUNK!!!"

Virgil shot up from the sudden chaos that was about to go down outside.

"No way! I'm older, I get the top bunk! And plus, the better twin gets the better spot!"     

"Yeah! Therefore I get the bunk!!!"

"Remus you are not better than me!!!"

"Oh yes I am!!!"

"Oh no you're not!!!"


Virgil frantically looked over by Logan's bed yet he wasn't there. He made it outside to break up the fight without Virgil even noticing.

"Stop it you two!"

Virgil sat up and walked over to the window where he could see Logan trying to keep apart two young men. One had a busted lip while the other had a black eye that had started to form. Everyone went silent until both the boys looked at each other and ran inside the cabin, trying to see whoever got to the bed first. The one with the busted lip quickly made it over to the bunk and climbed up; using the side of the bunk instead of the ladder.

"No fair! You cheated!!!"

"Well, you should have come prepared to run!"

"Enough fighting you two!" Logan slightly yelled, just loud enough that only the cabin mates could hear it.

Everyone stayed quiet for a moment when Logan finally spoke up again, "Well, that was a bad start of getting a first impression. I'm Logan, one of your cabin mates. Your other one hasn't quite told me their name yet,"

"Well I'm Remus, and the little brat that gave me my new look is Roman,"

"Oh! I'M the brat!?! Look who's talking!!!"

"Oof! My ego!!! Oh woe is me! I'm soooo offended!!!"

"Alright you two, knock it off! You might want to head back outside where there are two duffel bags figuratively waiting for you,"

"Oh, Roman! I bet I can get my bag the quickest!"

"No you won't!! I will!"

Virgil glanced up at the doorway where both of them were running out to see who could get the bags quicker, "Yep," he thought, "Definitely related,"

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