chapter eleven

Začít od začátku

"Hey, little one".

Karl turned his head to the side, spotting Sapnap with a smirk on his face next to him.

"I'm taller than you, you do know that, right?", the brunet shook his head, his lips forming into a soft smile.

"And still you don't know how to drive", Sapnap laid his arm around Karl, something that was so little of an action that still made Karl swim in butterflies.

"My height has nothing to do with my ability to drive. I have been living here since a month and it's totally normal that I don't have a drivers license yet", the brunet felt himself leaning into the smaller boy's side without even thinking about it. It was just a reflex.

"I can teach you how to drive", Sapnap suggested.

Karl turned his head around and looked at him. His eyes were slightly narrowed, a hint of him being high and yet they had a soft look shimmering in them.

"You would?", the taller boy asked, his voice being nothing more than a whisper.

"Of course", he felt a thumb running over his shoulder.

He didn't even need to feel the thumb running over his skin, even through his pullover he could feel the hands of the smaller boy on his skin. His body overflew with goosebumps and he needed to let go of the intense stare.

Sapnap's mouth twitched as he saw Karl's cheeks turning into a pink shade.


The movie 'Annabelle' has been playing for half an hour now and Sapnap felt himself getting more tired. He didn't know why he decided to get high again, he actually wanted to stop with smoking. But when he found a joint on the ground of his backpack, he just couldn't resist.

The disappointed look that Karl had tossed him a few weeks ago, when he approached at Dream's house was still haunting him and he has taken that picture to help himself from staying away from these drugs.

He was happy that Karl didn't had say anything to him but he still had seen the hesitation in his eyes when he had been walking up to him.

"Don't start snorting please".

Speaking of the devil.

Karl smirked slightly, his eyes sparkling with an amused look. His eyebrows quickly scrunched into a frown and he leaned forward so Sapnap could hear him better.

"You're alright?", he asked.

"Yes, Jesus! Why is everyone asking me that today?", Sapnap groaned loudly, earning some confused and annoyed looks from people sitting one row ahead.

While Karl was slipping down in his chair in embarrassment, the boy next to him hold a hand in front of his mouth to muffle his laugh.

"You're so embarrassing", the brunet mumbled and sat up again.

"Sorry", Sapnap giggled.

Luckily, they had forgotten about their topic they had discussed. Well, Karl had forgotten, Sapnap still knew what they were talking about but he was happy that they let that topic fall off. It was hard for him to talk about it, mainly because he has no real reason why he had been smoking so much or drinking himself blackout drunk almost every weekend.

Well, you could say that he did that because of his life, because he hated it and he just wanted to escape it and with drugs and alcohol. It was such a good way to escape it. But to be honest, he wanted to stop. He has been trying to stop smoking and drinking for years now but he never had accomplish it. But since 3 weeks now, it was easier for him to not grab the bottle or a joint.

Maybe it was because he had grown closer to these stupid four boys but maybe it was because he had met that one special stupid boy.

"What are you thinking about?", Karl asked.

Sapnap turned his head to the side, a smile forming on his lips as soon as he saw the lovely face of his friend.

Without even thinking, he slipped his hand inside Karl's. The brunet's eyes widened and Sapnap blushed as well, realizing what he just did. He was about to pull his hand back but suddenly he felt five other fingers on the back of his hand.

His heart did a flip.

"Look, even these two stupid kids over there can solve their things out! Now, do that!", Quackity mumbled at Dream and George, his voice having an annoyed undertone.


Hey, thank you for reading chapter elven! I hope you like it :D Stay healthy & ily <3

If you are struggling with these kinds of problems or you know anyone who does, please know that there is always help!

twitter for updates: cyleedd

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