Chapter 2: No Pressure

Start from the beginning

"That is not his responsibility. Everyone has the right to free speech unless of course you are republican, then the left wants to muzzle you."

"Ah come on-"

"Rick hear me out here. The US Attorney General and the FBI will look into these claims and if they are proven to be untrue I know that we will be willing to move on for the best of the country. But I will say this, we will fight to the death if the claims are proven to be true that this election was taken from Duke Trant."

"Look we know what the outcome will be. The big question here is are republicans willing to work bipartisan or will they be obstructionist? You all control the House and the Senate. Is President Abner going to have to jump through hoops to successfully make any changes during her term in office?"

"We may hold majority, but I still think that's entirely up to her and her party. Republicans are always willing to lend a hand, let's see will they accept it."

"Well there you have it. President Abner, if you found the time out of your busy schedule to tune in for this conversation today, I'll say that you have more people rooting for you than against you. You have a tall order ahead of you and we are counting on you to get it done. We know you can do it."

"No pressure."

"No pressure. Ok, thank you Senator Scott for coming on the show to offer your thoughts... Let's move on with our leading story for today, a mysterious virus is spreading across Wuhan, China. There have been 59 cases of the pneumonia-like virus reported in the last two weeks. Joining us is an infectious disease doctor to discuss how Wuhan is dealing with the epidemic."

I hear a knock at the door that pulls my attention away from the television.

"Come in."

"President Abner it's a pleasure to see you! How are you today?"

I stand up giving her a hug, "I'm doing well Helen, It's so nice to see you too. I once again want to thank you for taking on this role. I know that it was a big ask."

She rubs my shoulder,"I'm the one that's so very thankful. There's no greater compliment than the President not only entrusting you to be their physician but to also lead an entire medical unit."

"You've kept me up and running this long, I knew you would be the perfect person for the job."

"Well thank you, I promise I will not let you down...Before we get started, I was slightly briefed but I wanted to clarify what your goals are here today."

"Transparency is my goal. My tax returns will soon be released, and I want my annual physical exam to follow behind it."

"Madam President are you certain? Although it's been widely debated, the public is not entitled in any way."

"Helen, please call me Jenn. And to answer your question, yes. I know that it isn't required but-", I pause for a second looking down until I find my words. "As the first female President I am already being held to a higher standard than my precessors. I want to make it clear that I am ethically and physically prepared to carry out my duties."

She nods her head, "We always have to double exceed expectations don't we?...Whatever information you do or do not want to disclose you just let me know and I'll tailor the report to your liking."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. Now I know you have a full day ahead of you so I don't want to keep you", she reaches into the cabinet to retrieve a medical gown and hands it to me. "I'll leave the room while you get undressed."

Madam President: The Sequel (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now