Chapter Twenty- I'm coming

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Chapter Twenty- I'm coming

Poe and Finn stood open mouthed in the main hanger of the Millennium Falcon. Their heads faced the long-cushioned seat that had two very much fast asleep people sitting on it. Rey's head was on Ben's shoulder and her legs over Ben's knees, Ben hung onto Rey and rested his head on top of Rey's. They were covered with blankets which Chewie could not stop finding more of, the two jedi were covered with soft fabric as they slept, the Wookie carried on tucking them in, stopping every time to let out an 'aww' sound as he looked over Ben.

"Alright, alright Chewie!" snapped Finn, he did not like how Rey was literally sitting on her enemies' lap as he held her.

"Aww" said Rose, she was on Chewie's side, smiling sweetly as she watched Rey and Ben. "They're so cute."

"No! They're not!" said Poe.

BB8 AND R2D2 beeped with mixed emotions towards the scene.

"My reliable sources tell me that miss Rey and Kylo Ren, formally known as Ben Solo-" C3PO began.

"Shut it 3PO" said Poe. "I'm the pilot of this ship and I say we drop him and his smug look off on an island where no one can find him!"

Chewie roared.

"Fine co-pilot" Poe corrected himself.

"I agree with Poe" said Finn, the more he looked at the two, the more he hated it.

"Don't be silly boys!" said Rose. "Haven't any of you realised that Rey is happy? Look, I believe them, Leia wouldn't have wanted us to just abandon her only son when he claims to be back in the light. The least you can do is give them a chance, I know love" she looked at Finn. "And this is clearly that, love."

Chewie roared again, he stood next to Rose, R2 following, 3PO as well. BB8 rolled over to the 'keep Ben Solo' group.

"BB8!" explained Poe. "You're meant to be on my team!"

BB8 only beeped something half insulting, half persuasive back to his owner.

Poe turned to look at Finn, Finn looked at Poe. The ex-stormtrooper stepped hesitantly over to the other side with Rose.

"What are you doing Finn!" said Poe, utterly shocked.

"I'm with Rose, she right, that is clearly... something other than darkness" Finn said. "But don't get me wrong, I don't trust him, I don't forgive him, I don't like him, but Leia's wish wouldn't have been a last chance. I'm here... unless he calls me traitor again!"

Poe sighed.

"Fine" he said. "But I still hate him!"


Rey woke with a yaw, she heard chatting in the pilot's room, they were still travelling through space. She felt a weight on her head, she peered up, Ben was still asleep, his head on top of hers. She wriggled her head away and slightly kissed him on the cheek.

"Ben. Ben wake up" she whispered.

Ben stirred and sleepily lifted his head, he rubbed at his eyes, as the Falcon's room came into sight he remembered where he was. He smiled at Rey.

"Good morning sweetie" he said.

"Morning Ben" Rey smiled back.

Ben stood up and stretched a little, Rey watched as his muscles bulged in and out, her eyes were dreamy. She stood up as well, she didn't even think before her surrounded the man's middle with her arms and hugged him gently, Rey just felt like it. Ben did the same and smiled again as he looked down at Rey.

Queen of the Death Star🖤Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora