Chapter Twelve- Torn Apart

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Rey was welcomed warmly back on the Resistance ships, she called off the attack and was introduced to those you she was not met. It was as if she had never left, but Rey still felt out of place without waking up with Kylo in the next room and visibly annoying him by calling him Ben. She had not spoken to Leia about her son. The Princess had indeed escaped that blown up cruiser in a way that wasn't possible, she was asleep with healers beside her every day, and even if she were awake the girl did not know if the general could bear to hear what Rey had seen.

Ben Solo was still alive, deep down, but it was going to take something big to save him. The most unsettling, but at the same time, comforting thing was that Kylo had not objected when Snoke had said the man had fallen for Rey, and seeing as he now acted differently around Rey, she did not doubt that maybe this was true, and maybe she felt the same way.

Every night Rey would finger the golden dice that Kylo had given her and she would think of him, returning had opened something new in her mind though. Finn and Poe were constantly planning how to get revenge for Han Solo's death, and C3PO was always talking non-stop about the event. Chewbacca seemed worse of all, he stayed by Leia's side every moment and grieved silently over his best friend's death when he occasionally checked up on the falcon. Rey saw now that this war had to end if the galaxy were to survive.


Kylo Ren, Master of the Knights of Ren, Supreme Leader of the First Order. That was his name now. Kylo had fled from Snoke's throne room and onto the main Star Destroyer, there he had informed General Hux that Rey had killed their master. There was a small disagreement in which Hux was almost strangled by Ren when the general protested to the idea of Kylo being the new Supreme Leader, but that was resolved with silent hatred.

Ren was trying to decide what to do. Snoke wasn't wrong, He had fallen in love with Rey, and he didn't know what to do about it. As leader of the First Order, surely, he should be hunting her down to destroy everything she loved, but that would mean destroying himself, yes Kylo knew, he was far more trained in the force than Rey, he could read minds, he had known for a long while now. The man couldn't do it, he had his army searching for the Rebellion's base, but he knew he wouldn't destroy it with Rey there.

This wasn't his top priority at all though. Rey needed a teacher, and he knew she would go looking for Luke Skywalker, so that was where he would go. Kylo had no intention of keeping Luke alive if he found him, only saving Rey from what he feared she may become with his old master as her teacher. Ren would not let Rey be turned toward the darkness like he had been, that was pure pain, and Kylo didn't want that for Rey.


It was dawn at the Resistance base that lived in a luscious jungle, this time of day always reminded Rey of her walks with Kylo up to the ring of rocks, usually there was nothing to take her mind off this saddening thought; but not today.

Yesterday, Rey had received a message from the current leader of the Resistance, Leia had awoken and wanted to speak with her. Rey was back in her usual scavenger clothing now, she missed the smooth material of her First Order clothing and at night she missed Kylo's old trousers and top even more. Rey entered the control part of the camp with her Jakku stick on her back, she had given Luke's lightsaber in when she had returned, the girl did not believe she had earned it, not yet.

"Leia" Rey whispered when she saw the General sitting. Leia turned and her eyes set on Rey.

"Rey of Jakku, it is pleasure to finally meet you. Come, sit down, we must use any free time that is given to us, who knows if we will ever get it back."

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