Chapter Fourteen- Hiding and Entering the Darkness

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"Chewie! We need to go, now!"

Rey couldn't stay on the island any longer. She had not bothered saying goodbye to Luke, she knew he was watching, and she refused to waste her time on the man. The girl needed to leave, not just because Luke was no use and he had lied to her more than once, but because the look Kylo had had in his eyes, when he had admitted that he liked her, was like a candle of an idea had been lit inside his mind. He was planning something that as meant to save them both, it could only include danger, and something that could bring dark and light together could be dangerous enough to end Kylo Ren and Ben Solo.

The girl wasted no time. She clambered into he pilots seat next to the Wookie and set off into space. As they passed stars and moons that would have usually amazed the scavenger, Rey only kept her eyes on her hands. In them she fingered the little golden dice that Ben had given her, she didn't know what they were, but the girl like it, every time she looked into the shiny metal, she could picture herself with Kylo.

Chewbacca knew that Rey didn't want to speak, neither did he. Han's death had hurt him so much, and then seeing Leia unconscious at the same time as Rey missing, the Wookie was shattered. He didn't like leaving Leia behind, he sensed that something might happen when he wasn't there to be with her, now Luke was gone as well as Han, Chewie only had the princess. He didn't need to be told where they were going, he knew.

Silence was the only thing in the air, but as Chewbacca took his eyes off flying for a second he let out a soft growl. Rey looked up and caught him looking at the gold she held. The Wookie could not seem to take his eye off it.

"You've seen this before, haven't you Chewie?" said Rey.

Chewbacca nodded.

"It's Kylo Ren's" said Rey.

Chewbacca shook his head.

"What do you mean, it's from Ren."

The Wookie bawled.

"This was Luke's? and Leia's? and Han's?" she asked.

Chewie spoke again.

"It was yours too. Who's Lando Calrissian?"

They had a long conversation as they flew. Rey learnt that Lando Calrissian was another who accompanied Leia on her adventures and that the dice use to belong to all five of them. The girl almost began to cry and laugh at the mention of Ben as a toddler playing with the golden object, Rey had forgotten that Chewbacca probably knew everything she wanted to know about Ben.

The Wookie spoke of how Leia gave birth on a planet named Chandrila in Hanna City, apparently Ben was named after a great Jedi master named Obi-Wan Kenobi, or Ben Kenobi for a while. Rey was fascinated and listened for hours to everything that had happened before she was born, but those moments came to an end.

They were flying towards the huddle of First order ships, Rey knew it was not a very rational plan, but it was the only way to find Kylo. With their ghost location on so that the Star Destroyers could not track them, Chewbacca flew them into the launch bay of the main ship. Rey and the Wookie ran out of the Falcon and shot the stormtroopers that were keeping watch. The two looked around one last time and then the girl turned to Chewbacca.

"Chewie, I can't let you come any further. This is between me and that... monster" said Rey. Chewbacca disagreed. "Please Chewie, you'll get killed, Wookie's don't exactly blend into the crowd."

Chewbacca climbed back into the driver's seat of the Millennium Flacon, Rey had told him to go and tell Finn where she was. But as the Wookie gave Rey a last hug goodbye, he realised that this was undoubtable the last time he would see the girl the same, she was about to do something reckless and bold.

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