Chapter Six- That Rare Evening

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"What did you say?" Kylo asked again.

"I told him that he I could see his ugly face even through this blindfold" responded Rey. She was facing the wrong way.

Kylo pulled the around girl so she was facing him, and he undid the blindfold.

"Why do you wear gloves?" asked Rey.

"Why would you torture yourself more and call Snoke ugly?" said Kylo.

"Well, it's not like he's actually that ugly" said Rey.

"You haven't seen him" mumbled Kylo.

"What?" said Rey.

"Let's just say that you are going to have a surprise when you meet him" answered Kylo.


Some minutes later, Ren and Rey had eaten (well, Ren hadn't eaten anything, just watched). Kylo seemed to be watching the door a lot, almost waiting for someone. Rey noticed.

"Are you waiting for that girl to come back or something?" teased Rey as she smirked.

"Why do you ask?" said Kylo.

"You act strange around her" answered Rey.

"No, I don't" said Kylo.

"Yes you do. Anyway, it doesn't matter, you can ask the girl out if you like" said Rey, smirking.

"What!" said Kylo.

"I think you like her."

"I don't."

"Why not?"

Kylo was getting irritated now, more like angry.

"Rey!" he shouted. Rey jumped. "If you want to know the truth then fine, I use to go out with her."

"You did?" she said quietly.

"Yes, when I first became Kylo Ren we use to meet up together. A few years ago, the meetings stopped, and I haven't really spoken to her since" said Ren.

"Is that a good thing?" asked Rey, still quietly.

"Yeah, it is. I don't need anyone or anything" said Kylo.

"Have you ever considered that someone might need you" said Rey. "sometimes someone might want you so much that they can't stop seeing you, they might even create a connection between them."

"You saw it too didn't you?" asked Kylo, suddenly.

"Yes" said Rey. "What was it?"

"I don't know, but I am going to ignore it until it goes away" decided Kylo.

"Yes, I'm going to do that as well" said Rey.



It was now almost past midnight. Rey and Kylo had gone to bed hours ago, agreed that they would not give into whatever that strange connection was (if it happened again). But in the middle of her sleep, Rey saw something that made her want to run away and never stop.

In her dream she saw her parents, she wouldn't make out how they looked like, only that they were crying, screaming, begging. She saw the flash of a lightsaber, a red one. Rey sat bolt upright in her bed, she was sweating and at some part of her nightmare she had kicked off her trousers, without even thinking Rey opened the door and walked out of the room.

Queen of the Death Star🖤Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon