Chapter Nine- Who Is A Scavenger's Family?

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"My parents haven't hurt me, Ben" Rey wasn't sure what she should be thinking right now. Kylo had said her parents. Sure, they left her when she was only a child, but she knew that they had a good reason, and she knew that they were coming back... one day.

"Then why did they leave you?"

"They're coming back."

"No, they're not! You know the truth, Rey, they're not coming back. Don't waste your life like this, please. Join me and we can take the lives of who took your parents from you!" said Kylo.

"No! I'm not a murderer like you!" shouted Rey. "My parents are out there, so are my friends. You can be my friend, Ben, you can go back to your mother and help her find her brother, Luke Skywalker!"

"You might have friends, Rey, but they are not your family! the only family you have alive is-" Kylo stopped talking.

"Who. My only family alive it who?" Rey fell quiet.

"You are not who you think you are" said Kylo.

Rey stood up and walked to the door.

"Then who am I, Ben?" were Rey's last words before she opened the door and ran out.

"I thought I knew." Kylo whispered to himself as he watched the door slam closed behind her.


Kylo ren had been pacing around the Death Star for hours now, it was nearing evening and Rey hadn't been seen. Kylo had informed General Hux to be on guard and that Rey had her lightsaber back.

To be honest, Ren didn't know what the girl would do. He didn't think that Rey would try to pull a one-person heist all by her own, but then again, she was Rey.

"No sign of the girl, sir" informed a Stormtrooper to the masked man.

"Continue looking" ordered Ren. "Do not stop until you find her."

"Yes, sir" said the Stormtrooper and he marched off down the corridor leading his troops.

"Rey... please come back."


Rey had no idea where she was. She had been on the Death Star for weeks now, and even with half of it destroyed she still didn't know her way around. She knew that Kylo was looking for her, but quite frankly she was currently looking for him.

Rey was braver than anyone in the galaxy, but the Death Star was a horribly evil place to be and it frightened her to the core. But one thing was on her mind. Was Kylo right? Did her parents really abandon her because they were bad people? Of course, Rey would never want to believe it, but what kind of parents left their child behind on a planet were anything could kill you?

Rey began to wander around. If she kept on walking maybe she would find her way back to Kylo.

"Ben? Where are you?"


Meanwhile on the bridge with General Hux...

"Has Ren found the girl?"

"Not yet, General Hux."

It was a never-ending war between Kylo Ren and Hux. He had heard tales of how Lord Darth Vader and Grand Moth respected and agreed with each other, Hux had no idea why he and Ren couldn't get along like that.

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