| 18 | Misleading Rules

Comenzar desde el principio

"Have you got news about Deku?" the blond asked with a mixture of impatiens and hope for a good answer. Which was exactly the reason the redhead hadn't want him to ask, cause he didn't.

"No" Kirishima began, but hesitated and stared into his own moving reflection in the cold water "nothing." The limping blond behind him froze and Kirishima closed his eyes shut, because of the expected angry yell from the blond he was definitely going to get, but it never came. The redhead turned away from the water in the fountain to see Katsuki's eyes filled with the same. Kirishima opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

Suddenly Katsuki sagged to the ground as a sharp pain shot through his still wounded leg. Although that wasn't the only reason the blond had lost balance. The thought of Deku being anywhere else than beside him made him sick to the stomach and the fact they still hadn't found anything made him lose all composure. He didn't want to get up anymore, just staying on the ground would be fine, but two strong arms caught the blond's shoulders and pulled him to one of the white benches. There was a short silence, until the redhead had finally thought over his words and opened his mouth.

"We'll find him, man" he started, but saw no difference in Katsuki's hopeless expression, so continued "We know Shigaraki probably won't kill him" Kirishima looked away from the blond, who was staring blankly in front of him "at least not under pressure" he mumbled to himself, but thought saying out loud wouldn't be a good idea.

"Shut your mouth" Katsuki scowled "Don't talk about shit you don't know anything about" he snarled at the colorful sight, cause he still didn't make eyecontact with the other. Kirishima reached for the blond's shoulder and to his surprise the blond didn't push it away.

"Think of yourself for now that you're healing" the redhead adviced concerned about his friend. "We'll think about De- I mean Mister Midoriya" after a short silence the blond pushed his hand away as expected and started limping out of the gardens. Then suddenly he stopped.

"I'll never stop" he said while looking at the ground and clenching his fists. "So stop trying so hard" he scowled and grit his teeth in annoyance. When he started leaving again the redhead tried stopping him.

"Wait" with no reaction whatsoever "Bakugou!" When that didn't seem to help either he just got up from the bench and followed his friend inside.

"Get my car ready" Katsuki ordered a servant standing in the door frame. "I'm going somewhere"

It was quiet in the car after Katsuki had finally given up on leaving without Kirishima, when the redhead had kept annoying and begging him. Katsuki had his arms crossed and a deep frown on his face. Kirishima became more worried about the blond everyday and hated not knowing what the blond was thinking. Although he never really did when it came to the explosive blond, who sat next to him in the brown leather seat.

Was he really thinking about teaming up with the rest of Shigaraki's family, like the redhead had suggested? Why else would the blond tell the driver the club's destination, after the redhead had told about the family's hiding.

Kirishima didn't trust All For One's family, but felt intreagued by the way they had opened up about their hiding place and other things they knew about Shigaraki. Maybe he could trust them, just to work together and find Katsuki's fiancé. The enemy of my enemy maybe really is my friend, Kirishima thought curiously.

A loud bang of an angressive blond shutting the car door woke the redhead up out of his thoughts and he did the same to follow the blond inside of the crowded club, they had lost the greenette. Kirishima pushed people aside while trying to keep up with his friend's pace, but the other clearly didn't care and made his way to the bar without the redhead.

"Where's Ugly Scar Face?" Katsuki grunted with clear hate in his voice and while banging his fist on the wooden bar. He couldn't believe he was actually considering teaming up with the bastards who killed his parents, but he seemed okay with almost everything when it came to Deku.

The man behind the bar looked confused at the blond in front of him. He sighed annoyed as he thought he was going to have to deal with another dumb drunk on his shift tonight. When suddenly another man appeared behind him.

"Hello?" Katsuki shouted loudly so that it made some people in the club turn their heads, which didn't seem to face the blond at all, so he continued twice as loudly "I asked you where Ugly Scar Face is"

"He means Dabi" Kirishima sounded appologizing while rubbing the back of his head. He wanted to disappear right there and then when he saw all the looks they were getting.

"Oh, they went out tonight" the man said while drying one of the expensive glasses. "They said I didn't have to work tonight and then suddenly called me to do my nightshift" the bartender kept rambling and the two other men listened carefully "weird right, that has like never happened before" the bartender kept silent for a second and then ended with "I think had to be something really unexpexted, but like really important"

"Josh, stop talking about your bosses like that!" another one of the staff people called out. Making the bartender appologize and leave.

"Something really important?" Kirishima asked himself out loud. While looking at the blond who hadn't moved til the bartender had left. When he looked closer Katsuki's fists were trembling, making Kirishima look up and lock eyes with him.

"So they did find something" Katsuki said with eyes burning red flames and really wanting to blow the whole club up on the spot.


"I know it has been some time" Dabi said after getting in the black car "but now that you've recovered, we can finally track our other car."

"And we can finally justify the deaths of our siblings." Spinner said while getting next to the scarred body on the seats. The reptile-looking man started fixing his black and white mask again and was visibly nervous.

"Don't worry, I've been acting really sweet to that blond's family" Dabi said while starting the car and look at his reflection in the tiny mirror on the ceiling. "they won't be searching for us any time soon"

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