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Each zodiac sign becomes an expert at a particular thing. They become teachers at school, and have to introduce their topic to a class of students.

Aries: “Class, I’m the teacher of Sport and Physical education. I’ll be getting you all to jump up and get active. We’ll have competitions, play different sports, work out together and more!”

Taurus: “Ok class, I’m the teacher of Food and Cooking. I’ll teach you all about cooking, healthy and special foods, crazy food inventions, how to decorate cakes/cupcakes and more!”

Gemini: “I’m the teacher of public speaking and talking. Ok, there are so many people out there who are too shy and nervous to speak their own thoughts in front of a class. But I’m here to help you in that, to bring your confidence and intelligence a little higher and make it fun!”

Cancer: “Students, I’m the teacher of home and family life. I can teach you about decorating homes, making perfect family photo frames, designing nice comfy bedrooms, family advice and more!”

Leo: “Class, I’m the teacher of beauty and fashion. I am going to teach you about just that… beauty and fashion. We’ll also be doing hair and makeup, and running a few fashion shows!”

Virgo: “I am the teacher of discipline, perfection and order. You all will groan right now because it sounds horrible. And because you’re groaning, you need to take this class. Happy, smart, positive people don’t groan. And I promise I’ll make it fun!”

Libra: “I’m the teacher of helping conflict. Have you ever watched someone bully another person? Are you worried about the wars in the world today? Don’t you like all the racism and conflict starters? Then you will enjoy this class!”

Scorpio: “Class, I’m teaching Criminal Minds. I can teach you about being a detective, spying, catching criminals, catching cheaters, tracking down bad guys and more!”

Sagittarius: “Kids, I’ll be teaching you about Adventures. Does it sound fun? Because it is fun. We’ll be going skydiving and solving mysteries together while learning how to rescue animals in the wild outdoors!”

Capricorn: “I’ll be the teacher of hard work and seriousness. While it might sound horrible to you, it’s actually helpful. If you’re falling behind in History, I’ll be tutoring you to make you smarter! Never worry about failing again!”

Aquarius: “I am going to teach you about standing out and being unique. Ever afraid of expressing yourself or scared of standing out? Want to boost your confidence? Well, you need this class!”

Pisces: “Hi, I’m the teacher of Creativity and imagination. I’ll be teaching you about creative story writing and making imaginative scenarios to act out to the class. We might be making magical movies too!”

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