Who are you?

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"So  (Y/N) what do you last remember?"

(Y/N)'s POV:

You look up at the crowd of people and mumble, "An explosion at the bank I worked at, and I wasn't there because Osamu said we should go to lunch together."

I look at the faces surrounding me, one man who looked like Osamu, looked like he was trying not to tear up, whilst another with greyish-yellow eyes looked sad but relieved. You whisper, "What are your names?"

The man who looked like Osamu let a tear go down his cheek, he said, "I am Atsumu Miya, Osamu's twin brother and your friend." The other man then spoke, "I am Rintaro Suna, and I am also your friend."

~Time skip to you going into the cafeteria a few hours after you woke up, brought to you by Atsumu's angel tears~

You walk into the cafeteria with Osamu, Atsumu and Suna, who almost form a box around you preventing any danger from reaching you.

You walk with Osamu to the table, whilst Suna and Atsumu get the food. When you sat down you were immediately met with a lot of congratulations for waking up. 

Someone gently tapped you on the shoulder, causing you to you flinch, "(Y/N) I am glad to see you better."

You look up at the friendly face, then look at Osamu for reassurance, he smiled at you and put his hand on your shoulder.  "I-I'm sorry, but I have forgotten who everyone is. Who are you?"

He looked confused, "I am Akagi, I was with you when you collapsed into a coma." 

"Nice to meet you, Akagi." 

Suna and Atsumu returned with the food and sat beside you and Osamu. 

~Idk what to write, so the time skip to you and Osamu heading to your room, (yes I know it sounds weird); this is brought to you by Osamu's competitiveness~

You and Osamu walk to your room, "Do you really not remember anything (Y/N)?"

"I really don't remember anything", you groan. The two of you arrive at your room and Osamu says, "I will wait out here while you get changed, all your clothes are in there."

You nod your head and begin to walk in, once you closed the door you made your way over to your wardrobe and get out some comfortable clothes. (Idk what you want to wear, just picture it.)  

Once you had finished changing you walked out to Osamu. As you're out of the door you stumble and start to fall to the ground. As your preparing to hit the ground you feel some hands grab your shoulders and pull you up, when you look up you see Osamu's face inches from yours, causing your face to flush and you looking away. He stands you back up and you notice his cheeks are slightly tinted pink. 

"What do you want to do?" Osamu asks. "How about we bake some cookies?" you mumble. 

(A/N): Cookies to me are things like chocolate chip cookies, not biscuits.

Osamu smiles and puts his arm around your soldier and pulls you closer, "Sounds fun."

The two of you walk to the kitchen and pick out the cookie recipe. As you are getting the ingredients out, you hear someone's excited gasping,  when you turn around you spot Atsumu bouncing up and down.

"Hey (Y/N) are you making cookies?" You nod and gesture to him to come help, you notice him looking at something behind you then say, "Oh it's fine, just tell me when they're done." 

As you and Osamu begin to bake the cookies, you accidentally get some flour over him. You try not to laugh as you put the flour away, and measure the ingredients. 

All of a sudden you feel some arms wrap around you and smudge flour all over your face. You gasp, "Hey, I am trying to bake here." "You got flour on me though", you smirk. "That was an accident though", you groan, as you try rubbing off the flour.

You go back to stirring the mixture and begin to add the chocolate chips. After placing them in the oven, you set a 20 minute for them to bake. 

The two of you start to clean up the mess you made whilst baking. 

When the timer went off, Osamu began to take them out of the oven while you got the cooling racks, or whatever they are called. After placing them all on the cooling rack, you started to inspect how each of them turned out, they all turned a nice golden brown colour. 

You rose your hand in front of Osamu and he gave you a high five. You checked your phone to see there were multiple miss calls from Alex. 

After a frantic conversation of reassuring her, you're okay, you finally place the phone down and breath a sigh of relief. Osamu and you begin to pile the cookies onto a plate. 

The two of you go off to find the others and end up finding them in the garden, as soon as he spots the cookies Atsumu runs over. 

"Can I have a cookie?" he pants. 

"Sure", you say.

He takes one and runs back to the group, the two of you arrive and you gently place the plate on the ground. Everyone takes one, and are sitting in silence until Omimi asks, "So you really don't remember anyone of us apart from Osamu?"

You nod and bite into your cookie. "How about we all introduce ourselves?" You smile and nod.  

Everyone proceeds to introduce themselves, while eating the cookies. 

All afternoon the group of you were laughing and joking.

Decision  At Gunpoint (Osamu Miya x Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant