Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Minister, please! She's just a kid and she's afraid!" Theo said.

"Can't you do it all the way here?!" Morgan asked.

"This is a storm! It's too dangerous if I stand outside of it – the safest place I could be is at the eye – inside of it!" Theo told them.

"But how will you get there?" Sofia asked.

Before Theo could give his embarrassing answer of "I don't know", witches and wizards of Rowle's movement attacked them, and they were forced to engage in battle. Theo took out his wand and dueled with one of the followers and managed to disarm them, but then Muggle followers came and he had no idea how to not hurt them when they were swinging an axe. Theo ducked and rolled before the Muggle could chop off his head, and then ran to the direction of the storm, he needed to get there. He ignored his father's calls and just continued to run, calling out to Delphini with his Legilimense as he did.

Before he could get any closer, a Muggle appeared and fired his gun, to Theo's surprise, it did not hit him and only ricocheted from the Nemean skin armor, he smirked, and with a wave of a hand, he turned the Muggle's gun to a water-gun. Now that was dealt with, he needed to get to Delphini's mind. Distracted, Theo did not notice the Muggle coming up behind him that carried an axe, but luckily, before the Muggle could chop off his head, someone hit the Muggle with petrifying spell. Turning to the sound of someone behind him, Theo's eyes widened when he saw the Muggle with his axe raised, petrified and falling to the ground, and behind the Muggle, Theo saw Rose with Albus and Scorpius, holding their wands.


"We followed you!" Rose told him.

"We apparated!" Theo exclaimed.

"And Teddy, Ethan, and Elias know how to Apparate as well!"

"Theo, don't think about us – think about that!" Scorpius pointed at the large storm made by the Obscurus.

"While you try to talk to her, we'll cover for you!" Albus said.

Theo nodded and then faced the large storm, he could hear Delphini crying in pain and in fear. He just needs to get into her head. While his friends protected him from debris and Rowle's followers out to get them, he tried to call for Delphini. He needs to get to her, but it seems that she can't hear him. He needs to get inside, that would call her attention, but how?! From above, flames burst and from it appeared a phoenix, flying above Theo. It was Kai.

The sight of Kai had Hermione, Morgan, Theodore, Harry, and Roman stunned, and they remembered the prophecy, the phoenix giving a feather to a boy. Theo was the boy! This was his fate! He's the only one who can stop Delphini!

Kai flapped her wings above Theo and then flew towards the storm, it was as if Theo understood his phoenix and followed her towards the storm with no plan but to follow her lead. He heard friends call out for him, but he ignored them and followed Kai. As he neared the Obscurus, Kai lowered before Theo, and let out a squawk, and Theo held out his hand and took hold of Kai's talons. The flames devoured Theo and he and Kai disappeared from everyone's eyes.

"WHERE DID HE GO?!" Albus asked.


Theo was right about the eye of the storm. Outside the Obscurus tornado, it was chaos, but inside, it was calm, and he and Kai were squeezed inside the eye. Kai flapped her wings and protected Theo with her flames from the attacks that the Obscurus made towards him while Theo reached out to Delphini. He looked at the dark sand swirling around him and focused on her thoughts. They were loud, all crying out to be left alone. He saw what happened a few hours ago, how everything led to this. She panicked when the Auror placed the enchanted cuffs on her and placed her in a bubble.

Inglorious Bastards: Legacy [Harry Potter AU Fanfic | Next Generation]Where stories live. Discover now