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Four months had gone by and Haechan hadn't spoken a word, he nodded or shook his head when ever Mark asked him something and avoided physical contact at any cause. He would hiss or bite Mark if he even brushed against him. Once he threw a vase at the older, then he bit the boys neck so harshly he had to get stitches, the Autistic beauty behaved so aggressive that even the pregnancy was a scary thing.

Mark sighed, his head throbbed, his neck hurt, he was literally having a fever but all he could do was work all night and he even helped at Yeri's clinic after classes. The girl was a Sweetheart, she ran a pharmacy as well, her wife was sick so Mark was more than happy to join.

"Hi Teddy." Mark smiled at his lover who sprawled himself on the couch, they had moved back to Taeyongs house.

Haechan turned away from him and tried to waddle away, Mark playfully slammed him on the wall and the next thing he did was pushed the lion away and throw the nearest vessel on the said boy. This time it was a glass bottle  and it crashed on Marks head. Was the pregnancy making him aggressive? Was it a wrong decision to  have sex with an autistic boy? The next two days the blonde was hospitalised for the impact.

"Before it's too late you need to do something Mark. His hormones are clashing and he might end up hurting himself and the babies too." Jaehyun sighed sitting next to Mark.

"Dad how can you tell me to legit kill my own baby? I love him and I love the baby already." Mark hissed at his father with tears in his eyes.

"He's four months through.......he's having thriplets Mark that's a risky pregnancy for a disabled child! He'll suffer do you want that?!" Jaehyun shook Mark.

"I would anything and everything for him." Mark wiped his tears and walked away, Mina heard it all. For the first time she understood how much he loved that boy from the bottom of his heart.

Haechan pouted waddling to the kitchen for dinner. His big bear orbs looking for his lion even though his senses were pretty much messed up right now. Mark came home very late and sat immediately at the dinner table, he wolfed down the food as if he had been starving all day.

"Honey how's your fever?" Taeyong caressed the boys cheeks.

"The same. I can't move my head or neck." Mark whimpered softly. "I'll get going then." Saying so he left the table and went upstairs.

"You are so selfish Beary." Taeyong snapped at the beauty making him stop eating. "He loves you so fucking much and all you do is hurt him?! Why do you do that? Don't you love him?!" The mother wasn't being mean but he knew how to press the perfect buttons. Jaehyun seemed taken aback by his wife's harsh tone.

"B-Beary......." Haechan stammered softly his eyes filling with tears.

"Stop pretending you love him! You won't even care if Mark sleeps with anyone else? No because you don't care and you don't love him. You hate your liony!" Taeyong glared at the figetting boys whose wrists shook so much.

"Beary L-Love liony." Haechans whole frame shivered his mind going in spirals.

"You don't and I'm sending him away." Taeyong stood up as he went upstairs and the waddly butt ran after his mother with a scard expression.

"W-Why Mommy m-meanie?" Haechans thick lips trembled in fear.

"Mom?" Mark came out of the shower with wet hair and sweatpants.

"Get out! Pack your bags and get out. Atleast that way you'll live or else Haechan would kill you one day." The mother threw a few clothes in a bag and threw it at Mark.

"D-Daddy no say. W-Why Mommy m-meanie? Liony want. Beary liony want." Haechan started waddling back and forth with that lost expression that made his father feel sorry for his disabled son. But Taeyong was trying to get him to feel again.

"M-Markie no go! Bear with wait. Beary sowy. Liony go cee......Cebause beary hurty liony? Liony see!! Liony see!?" Haechan begged the older to see him but Taeyong warned him to just leave. Mark left that night snatching his hand away from the poor boy who came waddling after him innocently. He locked the gate so the beauty won't be able to come after and left.

"Why'd you do that Tae?" Jaehyun sighed with a frown.

"That way he realises he needs him. Hurt can make Haechan force himself to feel." Taeyong smiled.

Haechan banged his head on the wall until he started bleeding on the forehead, it was dark and his heart broke into a million pieces. Mark sighed tossing and turning in bed, he was at Johnny's place and his heart had an unusual pang. After all the boy was pregnant and did not deserve all that. The blonde frowned when he heard that sweet adorable baby voice.

"Liony where?! Liony where?! Beawy sowy. Beary Hurty." The brunette bounced outside the gates, he had wandered off in search of Mark and deep down he knew where he'd be.

"It's 1am. Why did you come here?!" Mark dragged the gate open, he immediately carried the bare footed little teddy bear.

"Beary meanie. Thata why liony lefy Teddhy." Haechan squeezed his eyes with sleep and yawned cutely. "I love you so much Mark." He mumbled absentmindedly as he passed out on his lovers shoulder. As he was placed on the bed, the older kissed his arm and his forehead. The baby bump already starting to show.

"You are my today, tomorrow and my forever Haechan. I love you so much too. Both of you." Whispered Mark caressing the baby bump, he joined the beauty in bed, after he gave the poor boy a nice massage on the legs so he won't be all whiney.

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