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"Don't tell me you lied about the Canada University shit?" Taeyong powdered Haechans peaches, the baby was asleep and Taeyong was drunk.

"I lied." Mark deadpanned.

"You brat!" Taeyong threw a pillow at the older as he wrote Mark Lee's on one ass cheek and Property on the other.

"Stop ruining his innocence mom. Go prepare to loose your virginity!" Mark  screamed when Taeyong jumped on him to kill him and he was pretending to choke. Jaehyun rushed inside to see mother and son attempting murder on each other and his beloved son asleep on the bed with his boxers rolled down so his peaches were out. He chuckled pulling it up.

"How dare you speak to your mother like that?! Wait............You sound more like Ten?! Yah he told that to me when we were in highschool on our prom night. But Jaehyun literally hooked up with that girl. I don't remember her name though." Taeyong got all emotional he pouted.

"Forget about the past Mama Mia. He's your mans now!!! You are literally getting married in a week's time." Mark smooched Taeyongs cheeks. "I love you Mom." He smiled and the older hugged him tightly.

"I love you too baby." He whined.

Jaehyun saw his future wife waddle In to his room tipsy, he hiccuped then realized he was in the wrong room so he tried to leave but Jaehyun pulled him into the bed. Mark wiped off the marker on the boys butt peaches and cuddled up next to the sweet bear. Oh how much he loved this boy.

"Bear give?" Haechan asked the older the next morning pointing at the Nutella bread on the table.

"Here you go pumpkin." Mark gave the boy the slice and continued to study. When he turned around he saw Haechans lips all messy with the Nutella that he cupped his face and kissed his lips so much it all disappeared, the younger gasped for breath but the older wasn't going to let go.

"He's going to end up fucking him at this rate." Jaehyun chuckled at Taeyong who fixed his tie. The beauty kissed him on the lips and smiled sweetly.

"At least he's fast unlike slow dumb old men like you." Taeyong glared up at Jaehyun and kicked his balls as he fixed his shirt. "Love birds?! Pick our dresses this evening. I love you!!! Bye!" Saying so Taeyong turned a blind eye on writhing Jaehyun and Mark who was gradually loosing control and left.

Mark handcuffed their hands this time, Haechan wore a big ass t shirt and just boxers and his cute pink scandles. His hair was curled thanks to Koeun who dropped by and she even made him wear make up and pink nailpolish. Such a sweetheart of a sister you see.

"Noona liony where go?" Haechan pouted at the girl.

"To pee darling. He'll be back." Koeun smiled as Mark came back and she threw herself on Herin, her girl friend. They kissed and Mark had to close his innocent puddings eyes when Herins hands slipped under his sister's skirt.

"Let's go Teddy." The older dragged him away.

"Beary feety hurty. Liony carry?" Haechan lifted his arms up so Mark can carry him.

"I love you so much Beary." Mark pressed his lips on those thick plump ones.

"Beary lovey Liony too." The brunette squealed.

That day they went to collect the wedding outfits, Taeyongs bouquet, the fairy lights for Haechans pillow fort, the flower crowns, there was so much to do. Thankfully they were just getting married at Jaehyuns fancy backyard so it would only be friends and family but still it was so much to do. Haechan was severely Autistic but he tried everything he can to help everyone about, in Jaehyuns opinion his son who was diagnosed with ASD, Autism Spectrum Disorder was way much better now than he was several months ago. Could love really change a person's health? It was insanely beautiful.

"Beary fally." Haechan pouted when he fell on his knees again.

"Let Papa carry you about then?" Johnny lifted Haechan on his shoulders as he squealed and screamed with glee, everyone loved him and that made Jaehyun the happiest Daddy in the world. Johnny literally fell head over heals for his future son in law.

"Liony see!! Liony see!! Beary Papa carry." Haechan giggled resonating the whole venue with contagious laughter and happiness.

"Loosing your virginity on your wedding night is scared." Ten, who now was perfectly alright told his best friend who was about to smash his head on the stove but Mark made her crying expression and so he gave up.

"You lost yours on your prom night. Such a lucky bitch. Jaehyuns such a slow fucker. I bet he'd be tired. Anyways I just don't want that woman to come back. My heart keeps beating in fear. I........I love him Ten I always have." Taeyong whispered softly trying hard not to show anyone that he was crying.

"Don't worry. We are here for you. Ima kill that bitch for you." Ten promised.

"Dad let him down he hasn't eaten again since afternoon." Mark sighed at the two playing silly.

"Beary no wanna!! Beary no wanna!! Beary wanna play." Haechan hugged Johnny's head.

"Give me that. I'll feed him." Johnny smiled at his son. After a couple of minutes Mark saw his father feed a happy Teddy Bear bouncing on his chair. Though he avoided eye contact from others he always made sure he stared right into Marks soul with love and affection.

"Eye rapping is a sin brother." Koeun fake coughed.

"Having sex before marriage is a sin too. But here I'm am." Mark gave her the stink eye and walked off to kiss Haechan then help Ten with the lights.

"Beary likey Papa!!" Haechan happily smiled at Johnny who was so huge and warm in his small beary orbs.

"Papa likey Beary too." Johnny kissed his forehead.

"That's it!!! I want another baby!" Ten started emotional crying softly.

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