"No, that's not just it." Charlie shook his head, a worried look on his face. "This has happened before too. Once, but it did happen. My Dad knew something he shouldn't have."

I sighed loudly, now knowing that maybe it is all true.

Our parents were really hacking our phones.

"Alright, just be careful hereafter," I said as he nodded. "Think twice before sending any texts to anyone. And whenever you need to talk about any of our secrets to anyone in the group, just use the codeword. Gordon Lightfoot."

As expected, Charlie's face scrunched up in confusion after I whispered the last part to him.

"Gordon Lightfoot?" He asked. "I've heard that name before. And that's the codeword?"

I nodded in confirmation as he stayed quiet for some seconds, lost in his own thoughts.

"But, um, Gorgon Lightfoot are two words. So that makes it codewords, right?"

"Unbelievable." I mumbled under my breath and rolled my eyes at him. "Just be there when someone among us sends it, okay? And whenever you see Zach today, inform him too. Don't say much, just tell him it's a precaution."

Hopefully, Zach gets to know about the codeword soon.

The rest of the school day went by fast. Surprisingly, it was Clay who managed to convince some hackers to help the jocks get the party back on. Everyone was talking about it, as some software had to be installed on all our phones.

I wasn't exactly planning on going to the party. Tyler was accompanying Tony in his first league match and it seemed a great place to hang on a Saturday instead of a high school party.

But Zach had other plans in his mind.


He surprised me in the corridor, coming from behind me and patting my shoulders as I made my way out of the library.

"So, we need more Zach and Alex time," Zach stated as we continued walking. "How about I stay over tomorrow night?"

This was really random from him, seeing we haven't talked much in days.

"I'm not gonna kiss you again if that's what you're hoping." I jokingly replied and looked at him as he chuckled loudly.

"Ha! I like that we can joke about this. It's a good sign." He started walking backward in front of me so he could face me while talking. "Progress. But seriously, tomorrow night?"

"Uh... yeah, I guess."

My parents never asked questions whenever Zach stayed over, so that's not going to be a problem.

"Perfect, yes," Zach fist-pumped and started walking normally beside me again. "'Cause, the real is we're going to the Find Your Drink party to find many, many drinks."

Of course. The Zach I know doesn't skip a party.

"And my mom set up cameras in my room," He continued explaining, as we turned left in the hallway. "So I need a cover story and a place to sleep it off."

"Okay, you can have the cover story and the guest room," I started saying, not paying attention to what he said first. "But I'm gonna pass on the party because I'm anti-people currently."

"And I get that," Zach replied and turned around to walk backward again as he faced me. "But maybe that's why you should go."

That's when I realized what he had said earlier.

"Wait." I interrupted and stopped walking. "Your mom put up cameras in your room?"

That's worse than getting your phones tracked. I don't even want to know what Zach did to piss Mrs. Dempsey off.

"That's only part of it, but don't even get me started."

I'm not even going to ask.

"Anyways, I'm picking you up at 8:00," Zach continued. "And if you make any attempt not to go to this party, I will actually come and pick you up at 8:00."

He said the last words slowly as if they mean anything, then wiggled his eyebrows at me. I just stared at him in confusion and amusement.

"It's hot, right? I'll actually come and, like, physically pick you up." He said as I shook my head at him. "Come on! We can have hot banter, right?"

"How am I even friends with you?"

"I'm handsome, charming, and, mm... I saved you from drowning."

I rolled my eyes at him as he started going his way.

"Eight o'clock!"

Seems like I'm going to the party tomorrow.


Hey everyone! Hope you like the chapter. I'm trying to update weekly this time and it's going on pretty well.

I am currently in my online class and was bored so decided to complete the chapter and publish it for you all!

Tell me how it is.

Don't forget to Like & Comment!

The Thoughts Between Us // CHALEXHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin