"We laughed at the darkness, so scared that we lost it. We stood on the ceilings. You showed me love was all you needed."
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TRUST. A word rooted from love. Something that we expect from someone even though we don't deserve it at times. Something that we give prematurely. Something that is sacred. Something that shouldn't be given to everyone. Being able to trust is also being able to accept that it may hurt you sometimes. You trust someone with your life and they show you exactly why you shouldn't.
Amir sat in the backyard with her black shades to cover her puffy red eyes. Hue sat next to her with his arm wrapped around her shoulder. He hadn't been home since he heard the news of Ouni's little brothers death. He told Rylie to meet him at his second home and stay there for a while so that he could handle his business. He missed Kunahi more than anything in the world and he wanted her with him.
She laid her hair against his shoulder and folded her legs one over the other while clasping her hands in her lap. "Your daughter looks so much like her mom." She said close to a whisper because her throat was sore.
"I know. You'd think she was the only contributing to her genes." He said chuckling.
"I wonder what our baby would've looked like." Amir said before she could even catch herself. She didn't mean to say that. She didn't want him to know. She never wanted him to know.
"What?" He said to make sure that he heard her right.
"Nothing." She sat up and folded her arms over her chest.
"What did you say, Amir?" He asked her while staring at her. She did her best to avoid eye contact with him. "What baby?"
"I said nothing!" She said before wincing in pain. Her throat felt as though someone was throwing tiny bricks with glass at it.
"You were pregnant?" He asked her, softly.
"Yeah. I found out about a week after you left. I was never selfish enough to bring a child into this world without being able to give them two loving parents.." She didn't look him in his face but he was staring at her.
"You killed my baby? I was gonna come back eventually! What? You did it to hurt me like I hurt you?" He yelled at her. Making everyone look at them.
Amir snatched her glasses off her face in the most dramatic way while turning to look at him. "Fuck off, Herbert. I was so fucking scared. You left me without a fucking trace and some shitty ass excuse that you were doing something for me! You- you can't be serious. This has absolutely nothing to do with spite. And if you think that then you don't know shit about me."
"You're so fucking selfish I'm so happy I didn't have your child." She spat while getting up and leaving from him. Hue got up and went to go apologize to her.
Rylie tried to ask him if he was okay but he slightly pushed her out of his way and continued to follow behind her. He followed her all the way to the front of the house. She was walking so fast he thought that her knee would pop out of place.
She tried to open her car door and he pushed it shut. "Amir I'm sorry. I know how hard it must've been for you."
"No you don't because if you did? You would've never left. Or maybe you would've because you're a selfish bitch." She tried to open her car door again but his hand had a strong hold on keeping it close.
"Herbert!" He heard Rylie yell.
"Fuck." He mumbled to himself when he turned around and seen her walking toward them.
"I don't think we formally met. I'm Rylie, Hue's girlfriend." She said looking at Amir.
Amir wasn't in the mood but Rylie did nothing to her. "I'm Amir. Nice to meet you."
"You're Amir?" She asked with a weird look plastered on her face that Amir didn't understand.
"Can you please go back to the backyard? I'll be-"
"You brung her to our house Herbert? Really? What type of shit are you on? Are you cheating on me? Are you still in love with her? I swear to God you better answer me and answer in the correct way." She said cutting him off. When they first got together all Hue did was talk about Amir.
"Dawg." He mumbled. "Just take your ass back with Kunahi."
"Don't fucking tell me what to do while you're arguing with her in front of our child and my family!" She snapped. Amir noticed that she put emphasis on 'our child' and she didn't know if she was trying to be slick or not but she was with the shits.
"What's that suppose to mean? What was the need to put emphasis on that?"
"Oh that I got the child out of him and the relationship that you're wishing that you had? I'm talking to my man bitch not you." Amir was taken back by the 'bitch' word.
"Rylie." Hue said in a warning tone.
"Nah fuck that. I finally got the relationship that I want and this bitch-" before anyone even realized, Amir's hand flew so fast and punched Rylie so hard in her mouth making Hue snatch her up. He could've sworn that he heard her jaw crack.
"Call me another bitch, motherfucker. I dare you!" She yelled while kicking to get out of Hue's grasp. "Put me down! Bitch talking all her big shit. Let me go, Hue!"
"Dawg, calm down!" Hue yelled at her.
"I'm not going to hit her again. Put me down so I can get the fuck away from here!"
"You going to jail today, bitch!" Rylie yelling spitting blood on to the pavement.
"Fuck you pussy fed ass hoe. I'll spit on you and any fucking officer that comes over here." Amir shouted.
Hue knew what Amir was about. He seen her fight in bloody fights. He seen her stomp females in the face and more just for him. He never seen Rylie fight and he was praying to God that she could fight because once he let Amir go it was up to God. She was fast as hell.
"When I let you go, get in the car Amir. You hear me?" He asked.
Her chest heaved and she nodded. He looked at her. "I'm going to leave."
He opened up her door before letting her go. She got into her car and started it up. Hue waited watching her leave before turning to look at Rylie.
"Should've took your ass to the backyard." He mumbled while walking past her.