"We will all monitor her eating and likely me or Vincent will help her with the workouts. Thank you doctor." I blindly stumbled out of the office behind Angelo since I was so completely shocked by his statement. Why would my two meanest 'brothers' with the least concern for my well-being have to be the ones to monitor my workouts? And I will be working out plenty on my own once I get back into cheer.

I was totally out of it and just absentmindedly followed behind my 'brother' across multiple hallways to a similarly styled doctor's room.

I sat down again, now a little more conscious of what I was doing, and awkwardly twiddled my thumbs, waiting for the doctor to come in.

I wasn't proud of how passive and quiet I was about my own life, but in just the past few days my life had been flipped upside down and the years of always needing to stick up for myself had taken its toll.

I didn't even bother looking up when the doctor walked in since I was too preoccupied counting the freshly polished white tiles on the floor. Apparently the respect I could not be bothered to give was also too much for the doctor, who when walking in went straight to my 'brother' and began talking to him in a voice so quiet I could hardly tell that he was talking.

Angelo got angry at one point and threw yet another tantrum, screaming some bull shit about "of course she's my sister' and 'how dare you even consider that this test would ever come back as anything different.' Which was stupid to say anyway since the entire point of our being there was to confirm or deny that statement, but nevertheless the gene of visuals veins was once again shown and I was once again.

The doctor finally acknowledged my presence after he finished talking about me, my future, and my past to someone who wasn't me. He introduced himself as Dr. Hunter White. I'm not saying I would ever discriminate against someone because of their name, but it is objectively true that Hunters are dicks and that this guy has not done anything to break that stereotype.

He took some of my spit, saying that they already had my 'brother's' on file for some odd reason, and set the tube I had spit in into a metal container with velvet insides to hold it steady. There were an excessive number of locks and clasps on the exterior of the box, each of which he carefully closed as he gave instructions and a time table for how and when to get the results. They would be sent in 48 hours via email directly to Leonardo and they would make sure it would be confidential, also odd.

We thanked him- well I did and Angelo continued pouting, but technicalities are not important. I was just settling into the fact that in just two more days I could leave their house and get back to my normal life, which even though I may not have loved, would be comforting to get back to.

The drive back was pretty quiet after his outburst at the doctor and after not too long, we were back at their house.


When we arrived back at their estate, I was informed by Stefano, who was waiting for me in the great room, that Leonardo would be taking me to cheer in an hour and that I needed to get ready.

I wasted no time running up to my newly-renovated temporary room and found an appropriate outfit given the activity, nike pros and a sports bra. I did not have a practice uniform yet for whatever gym we were going to so I opted for all black with a black bow and simple but glamorous makeup. This was basically a tryout, and I wanted to put my best foot forward and make a good impression. This may not have been my strategy or level of enthusiasm for anything else in life, but it was my passion and I was willing to respect those that would help with said passion.

Once I had gotten myself ready and all of my things together, mainly shoes, water, and advil, I went back into the great room which was close to the entryway so that when it was time to leave, I would know.

Of course, Leonardo was beyond punctual and was already standing there on his phone writing - what I assumed was - an email. He looked up when I actually entered the room and gave me a nod, but that positive form of acknowledgment quickly turned sour once he realised what I was wearing and how it broke the dress code he made and I never agreed to.

"Amalia I am sure that we are both tired of this conversation-" You've got that right buddy "and I understand that for this activity-" sport, "you would like to wear something that allows for easy movement. But this attire is simply too revealing for someone of your age and occupation, given that you are neither eighteen or a stripper."

"The coaches need to see the placement of my body, what muscles are engaged, if I could be doing something damaging to my back by twisting it or putting too much pressure on it, and if my legs are turned out and straight. So yes, I do need to wear this and I will not change. And I'll be a stripper if I want to." I left out some passionate language because I could only handle one argument at a time.

"You will not leave my house wearing just that. You will go put something on over it and then bring a t-shirt to wear over it for as long as possible. I do not want you to get hurt or be unsuccessful, but I also do want you to present yourself in a way that shows respect for yourself and this family."

"I have no reason to respect your family, and though I do appreciate your concern for my self respect, I am not and would prefer if you kept your sexist and outdated comments to yourself. But your terms are reasonable and I honestly cannot be bothered to argue for another second so I'll grab some sweats and a t-shirt and then we can leave."

He nodded, contradicting his own rules, and allowed me to leave and do as we had promised.

When I was done putting on the new clothes I hopefully would not have to pay them back for, I met Leonardo once again, this time with no issues. I grabbed my bag, phone, and headphones in case it was a long drive- which it likely could be since good all-star gyms were often very spread out and many drove hours each day to go to their practices, though I doubted that Leonardo would be willing to drive so far for something he deemed unimportant and dangerous.

The car was as fancy as all the rest with a little extra maturity and less flashiness, and Leonardos button up and dress pants fit right in, my sweatpants, however, did not do so quite as well.

Sure enough, a little under an hour later we pulled up to what likely used to be a warehouse, but was now fully decorated with blue and gold as well as words and letters that had to do with the gym. It was huge and extra on just the outside. I was excited.

We walked in and I realized that the few days I had been out of the gym were too much since the energy was overwhelming, in the best possible way.

People were flipping, girls were being thrown high into the air, some guys were holding girls by just one hand! I had never been on a co-ed team but I hoped that I would have that opportunity here.

The gym got a little bit wuiet once we were noticed. Some whispered and other shamelessly gawked, and I just wanted to die. But luckily their coaches yelled at them and our presence was seemingly forgotten. A women with beautiful hair in tight box braids walked over to us and introduced herself as the owner of the gym and informed us about her plans for this tryout. I would warm up with the team starting soonest, which happened to be level 5, and then she would evaluate my tumbling individually then see me stunt. It was a good plan and even Leonardo seemed okay with it.

After I changed and put my stuff away I stood over by the mat I was meant to be at and a couple of people walked in and came over to me. Everyone was super nice and I was more than excited to show them what I'd got.

thank u so much for all the reads and i'm sorry for the late update!

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