chapter twenty-two

Mulai dari awal

"you didn't need to get me such an expensive dog." taehyung glanced over to the male to his left who was watching the scene in front of him intently.

"i actually got a great deal on him if that makes you feel better. he was the last one of his litter, a runt, an underdog. but i saw something in him that i knew you'd love." jungkook let his fingers loop with tae's, the pad of his thumb stroking the outside of the brunette's hand, "you two were meant for each other.

he nodded, "i agree. i feel like he's just part of me already, ya know?"

jungkook agreed, "i can see that."

"he reminds me of the dog we had as a kid. joon was terrified and poor thing was barely the size of his palm! my mom loved that dog more than life itself and when she died, well, so did the dog. couldn't live on without her." he hummed, "i felt the same way; i feel the same way."

"tae, you've had a lot of loss but that doesn't mean that it's time for you to give up." it killed him to hear that.

"i won't but i can't help but question my purpose sometimes." he smiled weakly, "i think this is a sign though. this little guy is my purpose!"

the tiny pup had ran back over, his paws extending to tae's pant leg indicating he wanted to be picked up which the brunette did happily.

"are you tired? yes you are. big day."

jungkook couldn't help but be enchanted by the high pitched and adorable voice the older was using, "what are you going to name him?"

"you're right. he doesn't have a name yet! what do you think?"

"well, he's got both black and tan fur and he's-,"

"tan, tanish, tannie, yeontan?" tae nodded, "yeontan."

the dog instantly responded with a satisfied bark which left the brunette in a fit of giggles. the heart-warming genuine ones that could melt the hardest soul; jungkook couldn't help but blush in delight just hearing them.

"you hungry?"

tae nodded, clipping the leash back on, "i could eat."

"the shop is next to a place that has a little patio which is dog-friendly." the two strode off hand- in leash- in hand, opting to walk to dinner since it was so close.

it was amazing to tae that he'd seen the city a thousand times and yet a hundred hidden gems still remained. his eyes lit upon seeing the beautiful botanicals that encapsulated the building wall outside of the restaurant.

a few tables and chairs were set up and jungkook was quick to select one for them, "menu!" he pulled it from the center box which also contained any condiment that either could have dreamed of.

"hello there stranger!" a girl poked her head out from the side door, "you want your usual?"

"two of them but make one strawberry!" he remembered how fond the brunette was of them.

"how many places are you a regular at?"

jungkook hummed, "gotta support the small business community."

"and you do so by eating out every other minute?"

"i live alone plus i'm a somewhat terrible cook aside from instant noodles. we can't all have a private chef around to cook for us."

"hey! i can cook. i'll cook for you anytime."

"promise?" jungkook held his pinky out, looping it with tae.

"i promise."

the waitress returned to the space in front of them, her tray looming with two oversized lemonades that had raw fruit right in them along with sugared rims.

jungkook smirked, "they're also laced with an aggressive amount of triple sec and whatever benny wants gone from the rail this week!"

tae scrunched his nose, "like a ghetto long island?"

"precisely!" the waitress had made herself comfortable in the third seat, "what are you doing here while the sun is still out?"

"normal people eat dinner before dark, don't they?" jungkook raised a brow, "i'm also on a date, if you didn't notice!"

"oh, i noticed. and i kind of already knew. lia mentioned you two have been over for a minute longer than usual since she left for paris and what not!"

tae felt his blood start to boil at the mention of lia's name but jungkook was quick to calm him, looping their hands together beneath the table as he started fondly at the brunette, "met somebody special. when you know, you know."

"so sweet! i'm mai by the way." she smiled sweetly at the brunette, "jungkook's long lost second cousin three times removed or whatever we feel like calling each other."

"it just is so that i get the family discount!" jungkook smirked playfully.

"basically." she grabbed the menus, tucking them back in their spot, "i'm just going to bring you whatever i feel like so i don't know why you bothered even pulling these out."

"horrible service!" the younger joked, "bring something good at least.

"it's all good!" she yelled back, waving at the two of them before disappearing.

"sorry about her. she's a lot." jungkook took a giant sip of his drink.

"she seems great. you know so many great people!"

"and luckily through them, i was able to meet the greatest person yet." he smiled playfully, his lips meeting tae's in a quick exchange.

"so..." tae toyed with his fingers nervously, "if this ends really messy, do i have to give the dog back?"

jungkook found himself genuinely laughing at the question mixed with the innocent expression on tae's face, "i don't see this ending ever, do you?"

the brunette paused for a moment, a bit taken aback by what was said, "does this mean- does this mean that we're officially dating or what?"

"kim taehyung?" the younger playfully dropped to his knee, gripping both of his hands , "will you officially make me the happiest man and be my boyfriend?"

everyone around them seemed to stop and watched, unaware that it wasn't a real proposal. tae traced his tongue along his lower lip, pretending to ponder the answer, "well... i guess!"

"he said yes!" jungkook pulled him into a passionate kiss, tilting his body back and throwing both muscular arms around to hold him in place, "and made me the happiest man in the world."

"you're dramatic."

"but, i'm yours."

peace | taekookTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang