Chapter 18 - Reactions

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Well, after the feedback I received (and everyone saying the same person)
I promise Sirius will live.

The day Harry was somewhat dreading had arrived. Time to go back to Hogwarts and face the reactions of everyone to the betrothal.
Of course, the one person who's reaction he was both looking forward to and dreading at the same time was Draco Malfoy.
They had thankfully picked a quiet day to head to diagon alley and so hadn't run into either the Malfoy's or the Weasleys. A quick glamour charm was all that was needed to stay undetected and get everything needed for school.
Sadly, one thing that was needed was the entire works of Gilderoy Lockhart as it had been revealed that he was taking the post of DADA teacher this year, much to the delight of the girls of the group. Harry had quickly realised however, that the books were all completely false. One of the main giveaways was that some of the events times overlapped meaning that Lockhart would have needed to be in two places at once.
Harry only pointed this out Daphne though, he found it rather funny to watch the other girl's reactions.
Harry also had a new school trunk for this year, it was from the private vault in his study and was only openable by someone able to speak parseltongue. It was actually a great relief as Harry now didn't have to worry about taking his books on elemental magic to Hogwarts as he could keep them safely locked away. Harry also decided to take along the personal journals of Gryffindor and Slytherin to read during the year as he hadn't had time yet.

There was one interaction that was interesting that happened the day the Hogwarts letters arrived.
Harry and Daphne were spending the day together to try and make up for his birthday when Olly and two other elves came to him while holding another.
"Master Hadrian, we catch Dobby trying to steal master's Hogwarts letter." Olly said gesturing to the elf that was being held by two more and that looked genuinely awful. He was wearing what looked like a pillow case and was covered in scars and burns.
"I see." Was all Harry replied.
The elf being held then shouted, "Harry Potter must not return to Hogwarts this year. It is too dangerous.".
"How do you know this?" Harry asked calmly.
"Dobby cannot say. Dobby is unable to speak ill of masters sir." The newly proclaimed Dobby replied.
"So your master is planning something bad to happen at Hogwarts this year?" Harry inquired.
"Dobby has said too much. Dobby will punish himself later." The elf cried to itself.
"Right then. Olly, who is Dobby's master?" Harry asked his head elf.
"Dobby be the Malfoy house elf sir." Olly replied causing Harry to sigh and Daphne to gasp.
"Oh no. The Malfoys are planning something clearly aimed at you Harry." Daphne said clearly concerned.
"Daphne, what could Malfoy possibly do to me? He gets totally embarrassed every time he comes near me." Harry said soothingly.
"But Harry, this could be to get back at us for the betrothal." Daphne said.
"I won't let him touch you." Harry said, putting his arm around her waist protectively.
"It's not me I'm worried about. Their elf came and warned you, that shows that this has something to do with you." Daphne insisted.
"You're probably right." Harry said, "But, I know both of us can handle anything Malfoy does. And I'm not going to let him ruin my year at school." Harry replied.
"You can be so infuriating sometimes Harry. But you are right I guess." Daphne groaned.
"The only worry I have is if this has been properly planned by Lucius, that could be a problem. Then again, he'd be relying on Draco to pull it off." Harry thought out loud. "I think we should let our friends know and make sure we all watch each other's backs this year. I might write to the twins too so they're watching out for themselves."
"Stop being so noble for once Harry. Just look out for yourself." Daphne said.
"You know me better than that Daphne. Besides, having the Weasley twins owe me a favour may come in handy at some point." Harry said with a sad smile.
"Okay Harry. Whatever you say." Daphne replied.

The day had come, September 1st and Harry has packed everything into his new trunk and is making his way down to the fireplace to floo to Greengrass manor and then to platform 9&3/4. His trunk has been shrunk and was placed into his pocket and Hedwig was already flying to Hogwarts. Harry threw the powder into the fireplace calling out "Greengrass manor", however, nothing happened. He tried again, but again, nothing happened.
"Olly!" Harry called.
"What can Olly do for you master Hadrian?" The elf appeared.
"The floo isn't working, do you know why?" Harry asked.
"I will check master Hadrian." Olly replied and disappeared.
A minute later, the elf returned. "The wards on the fireplace has been altered master Hadrian. I be sensing elf magic behind it." Olly said.
"Probably another attempt by Dobby to stop me leaving for Hogwarts. Can it be fixed?" Harry said.
"It has already been done master Hadrian." Olly replied.
"Okay thank you Olly. Also, can we try and add some wards to not allow other elves into the house?"
"We elves can be setting that up master."
"Thank you Olly. Now I should probably go, Daphne won't stop meaning if I'm late." Harry muttered with a chuckle. "Goodbye Olly. Greengrass manor!" Harry called as he threw in the powder and the fire lit up green.

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