Chapter 14 - Unraveling Quirrell

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The next few days passed quietly. Harry went back to Potter manor a few times to tell his parents about his life so far. He completed all of his homework in a very short amount of time with how far ahead he was of the syllabus. It wasn't long before it was the first Sunday in January and he was making his way to king's cross to head back to Hogwarts.
"Right, have fun, work hard and keep in touch." Sirius said with a smile.
"Don't you think work hard should be first on that list?" Amelia asked amused.
"Nope." Sirius grinned.
"We'll be fine, see you at the end of the year." Harry said smiling at the marauder.
"Yeah, Harry will take care of everyone." Susan said with a nudge to Harry.
"Of course I will." Harry said sarcastically.
"Alright, go get yourselves a compartment before the train fills up too much." Amelia said hugging the two kids. They then hugged Sirius and made their way into the train. They found a compartment pretty easily and sat down. There was still about half an hour before the train was due to leave so Harry and Susan both got out a book.
About fifteen minutes later Susan got up and said, "I'm going to have a look around and see if the others are in another compartment somewhere."
"Okay." Harry said looking up from his book slightly.
As Susan walked out Daphne walked in, exchanging pleasantries as Susan walked away.
"Hi Daphne, good break?" Harry asked.
"Don't give me that Potter," she said sounding angry, "We agreed no gifts, yet you see it fit to buy me that necklace. Don't get me wrong, it's very beautiful but why did you do it?" She finished.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. But I couldn't help it. Did you like it at least?" Harry asked a little sadly.
"I did, it's amazing. Just don't do it again Harry." Daphne said, for some reason sad she'd upset Harry.
"I can't promise anything." Harry said with a smirk. Daphne just rolled her eyes and sat down next to Harry.
Five minutes later, Susan returned with Hermione and Neville in tow.
"I found these two looking for us." Susan said smiling. At that moment Tracey and Blaise arrived at the compartment from the other direction. Everyone greeted each other happily and sat down in the compartment talking about what they got for Yule and what happened over their break. The train pulled away at exactly eleven o'clock as everyone continued to talk.
An hour into the journey, the conversation died down and Harry took this opportunity to talk about the summer.
"Guys, could I just talk to you all about something?" Harry asked, a murmur of consent came in reply. Harry quickly flicked his wand to his hand casting a strong colloportus on the door along with some silencing and privacy charms.
"What's with all the charms Harry?" Hermione asked curiously.
"I'd rather not have Malfoy walk in while I'm telling you all this." Harry replied calmly.
"What's going on mate?" Blaise asked
"Well, this summer I shall be taking up residence at Potter manor now that it is fully refurbished. I would like to extend the offer to you all to come so we can study and practice magic." Harry explained.
"But Harry, I can't do magic outside school because I live in a muggle household." Hermione said.
"Ah, but you can at Potter manor, the ministry trace cannot track magic there as it has extremely powerful protection wards. Meaning we can all practice without the presence of an adult without fear of alerting the ministry." Harry said happily.
"How will we all get there Harry?" Neville asked.
"The floo network connected to Potter manor isn't monitored by the ministry. We can also set up a special floo fireplace in your house Hermione so you can get there too since muggle households aren't allowed on the regular floo network." Harry explained with a smile.
"Well I'm in." Said Neville.
"Me too." Said Blaise.
"Definitely." Tracey added.
"Daphne? Hermione?" Harry asked.
"Okay Harry, it sounds quite fun." Daphne said with a smile.
"I'll have to ask my parents if I can but I'd like to." Hermione said finally.
"Excellent. Oh and if it's necessary, I have more than enough bedrooms for you all if you need to stay for a night or two." Harry said happily.
"So what's this new house of yours like then Harry?" Neville asked.
"Oh it's amazing." Harry said, "Six floors plus a basement. Sixteen bedrooms, a potions lab, gym, absolutely massive library, games room and almost unending grounds. It's ridiculous."
Needless to say, everyone except Susan was shocked. Even the rich purebloods.
"Sixteen bedrooms?" Tracey asked
"Yeah, four family bedrooms and twelve guest bedrooms." Harry replied.
"How big is the library exactly Harry?" Hermione asked.
"Well Hermione, picture the Hogwarts library," Harry paused and she nodded, "Okay now imagine it was that plus two more floors." He said causing her mouth to drop and him to chuckle.
"What's in the games room Harry?" Blaise asked.
"A large amount of both magical and muggle games and activities." Harry said.
"Potions lab?" Daphne questioned.
"Yes Daphne." Harry said smiling, "With an almost unlimited amount of rare and expensive ingredients." He said with a chuckle seeing Daphne's excited look.
"I promise to give you all a tour when you first see it." He said.
At that moment a git and his pets arrived at the compartment.
"Oh no, Malfoy's here." Tracey said.
"It'll take him a few tries to get through that locking charm don't worry." Harry said smirking.
Harry was right, it took Malfoy seven attempts with alohamora to get the door unlocked.
"Thought you could keep me out did you?" He said smugly.
"Well we hoped." Blaise said.
"Piss off Malfoy, I'm really not in the mood today." Harry said menacingly. There was brief flicker of fear on Malfoy's face until he schooled his features.
"Shut up Potter, I'm not here to talk to you. I'm here to talk to my future wife." He said smugly eyeing Daphne menacingly.
"Well you must be in the wrong place then. Because no one in here fits that description." Harry said putting his arm around Daphne's shoulders.
This surprised Daphne, but not wanting to deal with Malfoy, she went with it and leaned slightly into Harry's side.
"Get your hands off her Potter. She's mine." Malfoy said angrily.
"She's not anyone's. Daphne is her own person. If she asked me to remove my hand I would." Harry said looking at Daphne at the end.
Daphne shook her head and smiled slightly looking back at him and finally speaking. "There's no need Harry. You don't own me Draco, and I will never be your wife. Leave before you make a fool of yourself again." She said coldly.
"How dare you?" Malfoy said angrily stepping forward and reaching for his wand. Harry however, was faster as usual and had his wand pointing at Malfoy before he even touched his own wand.
"You heard the lady. You can leave now...cousin." Harry said the last word with a large amount of disdain in his voice.
Malfoy went even more pale than usual and stormed out of the compartment and away, followed by his gorillas and his pug. Harry flicked his wand and the door closed and locked again.
Putting his wand away, Harry heard Hermione talk. "Harry, is Malfoy really your cousin?" She asked.
"Sadly, my grandmother and his mother were both members of the Black family before marriage. You'll find a lot of the noble families are related somewhere down the line. In fact I'd imagine all of us except for you and Blaise are related in some such way." Harry explained.
"Wait why Blaise as well?" She asked.
"My family is Italian Hermione. We don't have many links to magical Britain." Blaise said.
Throughout this conversation, neither Harry nor Daphne made an effort to separate themselves with Harry's arm around her shoulders and her leaning into his side.
"You two can let go of each other now." Tracey said in a teasing voice causing Harry and Daphne to slightly jump away from each other. Everyone chuckled as Harry and Daphne both blushed before schooling their red faces.
The rest of the trip was spent by most reading, while Neville and Blaise played chess on the small table.

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