Chapter 5 - The Hogwarts Express

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Tomorrow is the day Harry has been training for since his seventh birthday, the day he leaves for Hogwarts. While he feels quite nervous about going to school and also about what Dumbledore might do, his family have reassured him that he couldn't be more ready than he is. When Harry has finally finished packing everything he's called downstairs along with Susan. They walk together into the lounge where Sirius and Amelia were sat waiting for them.
"Hey kids, we have something for you both please sit down." Sirius said as he stood up and took two small mirrors out of his pocket and handing one each to Harry and Susan.
"What's this for padfoot?" Harry asked very perplexed looking at the mirror.
"They're for communication, since you're both going to Hogwarts we may need a way faster than owls to get in contact." Sirius paused looking at godson and niece's confused faces. "All you need to do is say the name of who you need to talk to and we'll be able to see and talk to each other." He continued. "Me, Amy and Moony all have one and will be reachable at any time if you need us."
"This is really cool, how'd you make them?" Asked Susan while inspecting the mirror.
"We didn't" Amy chipped in "It was Lily" she finished looking at Harry.
"My mother made these?" Harry asked surprised but with a hint of real emotion in his voice.
"Yes Harry, and she would be happy to know her son was using it to keep safe." Sirius replied and his eyes beginning to well.
"Thank you, this means a lot to me." Harry replied with Susan nodding her agreement.
"That's alright pup." Sirius responded hugging his godson. Harry and Susan spent the next few hours checking out the new gadget and testing it. They then came down for their last dinner as a family for four months. The house elves made everyone's favourites foods and the family had a great night of food, fun and laughter. However throughout all of this there was still one thought in the back of Harry's mind, was he ready for this? Well it was too late to change anything now anyway, tomorrow was the big day after all.

The next morning, Harry picked up his trunk and shrunk it putting it in his pocket. Ruby coiled around his torso sinking into her tattoo form and he headed down the stairs to the entrance hall to floo to platform 9 & 3/4 with his family.
"Everyone ready?!" Called out Sirius as he strolled in form the parlour. Being answered by a general noise of approval. With that they walked through the fire and onto the platform.
They stepped forward and Harry saw the magnificent red and black steam engine before him. He felt like he recognised it, that it was familiar to him, it just made him smile.
"It's been so long since I've seen it" Sirius said with a smile on his face. "Right guys, if you need anything or if there's any problems you contact one of us immediately, alright?".
"Will do" both Harry and Susan responded simultaneously.
"See you at Christmas then." Amelia said hugging the two kids who she cared for as if they were her own children. Sirius then hugged both kids who turned and boarded then train. They sat in an empty compartment together as they waited to leave. They arrived about an hour early to ensure they got a compartment, both pulled out books and started reading. About half an hour before the train was due to leave a bushy haired girl knocked on the door and opened it asking "Would you mind if I joined you? I'd like a quiet compartment so I can read."
"Feel free." Harry responded gesturing to the seat across from him and Susan. "Im Harry and this is Susan, who are you?" He asked when she sat down. "I'm Hermione Granger it's nice to meet you. Wait did you say your name was Harry?!" She asked with a look of shock.
"Yes, Harry Evans, not Potter." He answered chuckling trying to his best to convince her. Hermione apparently accepted this and pulled out the first year spellbook and began reading. Another 25 minutes went by until a short stodgy boy knocked and opened the door.
"Would you mind if I join you?" He asked rather timidly.
"Of course not" replied Susan, "I'm Susan Bones, this is Hermione Granger and Harry Evans." She said gesturing between them.
The shy boy sat down and said "I'm Neville Longbottom, it's nice to meet you.". Harry's eyes widened and quickly normalised, he'd heard about what happened to Neville's parents, he felt an instant kinship with the boy. He would have to talk to him privately when they got to school. Neville sat next to the window opposite Harry and also started reading one of the first year books. Suddenly the door of his cage that houses a toad popped open. "Trevor no!" He shouted. As the toad leaped toward the still somewhat open door, Harry jerked a hand out and grabbed it in the blink of an eye even surprising himself.
"Wow Harry that was amazing, how'd you do that?" Hermione said with wide eyes.
"I genuinely have no idea." Harry said chuckling. After handing Trevor back to Neville and putting a locking charm on the cage they all went back to reading.
Just as the train was pulling off, Ron Weasley opened the door and asked "you don't mind if I sit here do you?" Sitting down next to Susan without waiting for a response. He went on for the next hour about being best friends with Harry Potter and how great Gryffindor was compared to the other houses, clearly not caring that he was irritating the entire compartment. He didn't even ask anyone their names. The thing that pushed Harry over the edge however was when Ron mentioned his parents. "It's amazing how great Harry is, especially since his parents died so pathetically." The ginger boy scoffed. At this Harry excused himself to the toilet but just needed to get away from that boy.
As he walked along the carriages he came across a compartment with three first years in. A dark skinned boy with short black hair who was almost as tall as him, a brunette girl with hair just below the shoulder and green eyes and lastly a girl with blond hair down to her mid back with dazzling blue eyes, Harry had to admit that even though they were only eleven she was very pretty.
He knocked on the door and opened it, "Hey do you mind if I join you?" Harry asked tentatively. The three quickly looked at each other as the boy replied "Sure thing".
"Thank you" Harry nodded and replied. The boy stood and extended his hand to Harry. "Blaise Zabini, at your service" he announced. While he didn't recognise the family name, Harry could tell immediately he was from a Pureblood family. "And this is Tracey Davis and Daphne Greengrass." He continued gesturing to the brunette then the blond. Now those were two pureblood family names he was familiar with. Harry decided to have a little fun, Sirius had taught him how to properly greet purebloods from noble houses.
"Heir Zabini, a pleasure to make your acquaintance" He started, then turned to the girls first taking Tracey's hand and placing a kiss on her knuckles, then Daphne. "A pleasure also miss Davis and Heiress Greengrass.". All three were clearly shocked but before any of them could say a word a blond boy with slicked back hair opened the door with what looked like two bodyguards.
"Get your hands off her if you know what's good for you!" He exclaimed at Harry who still had Daphne's hand in his own.
Before Harry could respond Daphne stood,
"Go away Draco, we were simply making introductions. Not that it's any of your business." She responded in a sharp tone.
"I think it is my business who my future wife is associating with." He said with a smug smile.
"How many times must I say it, I'm not going to marry you. And my father won't sign a betrothal contract." Harry could tell Daphne was getting irritated with this response.
"We'll see about that Greengrass, I will have you." Draco replied clearly getting angry. Before Daphne could respond Harry decided to step in.
"Draco Malfoy? Heir of Lord Lucius Malfoy?" Harry asked looking for a response.
"Yes, and who the hell are you? My father is on the board of governors you know? Annoy me and I'll have him expel you." He said with a smug smile.
"Who I am doesn't matter, and I don't care if your daddy is on the board. Heiress Greengrass has clearly stated you're not welcome here so I suggest you move along before I make you.". Harry said in a calm but sinister voice as Malfoy paled somewhat. "Now you listen here, threatening me is a big mistake, my father" Malfoy was then interrupted by Harry. "I don't care about your father Malfoy, now this is your last warning, walk away now." Malfoy and his two guards reached for their wands, however Harry simply flicked his wrist and his wand was in his hand. Harry cast a banishing charm on the three boys who flew back into the wall, he then disarmed them all at once catching all three wands. He threw them down the carriage before turning to the three shocked boys and simply saying "Goodbye". Then with another flick of his wand the compartment door closed and locked with a strong colloportus charm. Blaise, Tracey and Daphne were stunned, they had never seen anyone stand up to Malfoy like that before. Harry turned back to them saying "My apologies, I can't stand people like him.". Daphne was the only person who responded "Thank you for that, he's been trying to court me for the past two years even though I've told him multiple times I'm not interested.".
"Glad I could help." Harry replied as he sat down.

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