Chapter 9 - Classes

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Harry awoke on Monday morning at 5:30 like every morning. He woke Blaise and got ready, they then  left for their run around the lake. Harry let off ruby mid way through the first lap as usual, picking her up on the second. When the pair got back to their room at 7:00 o'clock, they took turns showing and then for the first time, put in their Slytherin robes and headed for the great hall for breakfast.
"Morning boys." Tracey said as Harry and Blaise entered the common room.
"Good morning, excited for the first day of classes?" Blaise replied.
"I don't know yet, we haven't got our schedules." Tracey said back.
"I'm sure it'll be fine, it's not like we're going to have every class with Gryffindor." Daphne chortled.
"Come on let's go, I'm absolutely starving." Harry said to the group.
"Same." Agreed Blaise.
Arriving at the hall Harry split from the group, quickly heading to the Gryffindor table.
"Piss off Potter, we don't want you here." Ron Weasley exclaimed.
Harry just rolled his eyes saying, "Do shut up Weasley I'm here to talk to the likeable members of your family not you." Causing the people sat around them to laugh.
"Hey Harry"
"What's up" the twins asked.
Harry pulled out three books from his bag handing them to the twins. "As promised.".
The twins faces lit up instantly.
"Wow thanks Harry"
"We were slightly worried"
"That you wouldn't"
"Keep your word" they sis since again in their twin-speak.
"Why? Because I'm a Slytherin?" Harry asked smiling.
"Yeah" they said in unison.
"Believe it or not guys, despite what people think, we're not all evil. Some of us are actually quite nice if everyone else would let their prejudices against us go." Harry replied seriously.
"I think we're realising that"
"You certainly seem alright"
"Cheers guys" Harry said beginning to leave. "Oh by the way. He agreed to meet on the first Hogsmeade weekend."
The twins smiled and high-fived, then turned to the books they had just received.
Harry then went back over to the Slytherin table and his smiling friends.
"What are you lot so happy about?" Harry asked confused.
"You really don't care do you?" Blaise asked with a smirk.
"What do you mean?" Harry replied.
"Harry, the rivalry between Slytherin and Gryffindor goes back hundreds of years. Yet you just wander over there and have a conversation with two of them like it's the most normal thing in the world." Daphne said with her own small smile.
"I know all about the rivalry, my godfather was a Gryffindor and he told me plenty. But my opinion on the matter is that it's ridiculous. At the end of the day, we come to Hogwarts to make life long friends. It's not fair that one group of people or another is discriminated against. No matter if it's because of their house, their name or their blood. I for one don't care about any of it, if they're a Gryffindor, if they're a muggleborn or if they're a pureblood heir it shouldn't matter. All that should matter is who someone is as a person, nothing else." Harry finished his mini speech to find all the nearby older Slytherins were looking at him with proud smiles, along with some nearby Ravenclaws who had thoughtful looks on their faces after hearing the whole thing.
"I think you're destined for great things with a mindset like that Harry." Daphne said happily.
A chorus of agreement came from all this around him.
"A very mature view point Mr Potter" a smooth voice said from behind them.
"Thank you professor." Harry said turning to see his head of house.
"I have your schedules here, classes start at nine every day, lunch is twelve until one and as you know, dinner is five until seven." Snape said handing the four their schedules.

Harry Potter class schedule

Potions with Gryffindor - 9:00 - 11:00
History of magic with Hufflepuff - 1:00 - 2:00

Herbology with Hufflepuff - 9:00 - 11:00
DADA with Gryffindor - 1:00 - 2:00
Charms with Ravenclaw - 2:00 - 3:00

Transfiguration with Ravenclaw - 9:00 - 11:00
Herbology with Hufflepuff - 11:00 - 12:00
History of magic with Hufflepuff - 1:00 - 2:00
Astronomy - midnight - 1:00

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