Chapter 17 - Birthdays

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Over the next few weeks, Harry started to walk his friends through the second year syllabus. By the end of July, his friends were just over a third of the way through, while he was still slowly working through fifth year as well as his work on elemental magic. He had slowed improved on his ability to manipulate water around him, however, he was only just beginning with conjuring the water. It was his hope that he would have it mastered by Yule so he could begin with fire.
Harry had learned from the books on elemental magic that magic was actually a part of everything. It flowed through all things, allowing it to be manipulated by those who knew how. Through a deeply calm mind thanks to occlumency, Harry had learned how to reach out with his magic to move water to start with as it was the simplest aspect of the world to control through this method.
The only person aware of what he was doing was Daphne, since they became betrothed, Harry and Daphne shared almost everything with each other. Harry would ask her to shoot 'aguamenti' charms at him to try and push the water away, however, this would usually be done on the weekend so as to allow his friends to progress with the second year work.

The Monday before Harry's birthday, which was on a Friday that year, Neville spoke up while they were eating lunch.
"Harry, what are you planning on doing for your birthday on Friday?" He asked.
"I hadn't really thought about it to be honest Neville. What are you doing for yours?" Harry replied.
"I was just going to ask you guys and your families to come to the manor and have a small party. We could make it a joint party if you like?" Neville offered.
"That sounds good Neville. How about you guys?" Harry asked to the others.
"Yeah sure." Blaise responded.
"I'm in." Said Tracey.
"I'll ask but I'm sure my parents will say yes." Hermione added.
"Definitely." Replied Susan.
"I do believe it's my duty to attend now." Daphne said with a smirk.
"You know I'd never make you go." Harry said to his betrothed with a smile.
"Yeah I know, I'd love to come Neville." Daphne said.
"I'm still not used to you two being betrothed." Tracey said.
"Neither am I to be honest." Harry chortled.
"It's not too bad." Daphne said with a smile, "Harry is very considerate of my feelings."
"I can't wait to see how Malfoy reacts." Blaise added.
"Yes, I imagine he'll come and find us on the train and shout and be very angry." Susan said.
"Ah well, it's not like he can do anything about it. It's official, it has been signed by Harry and my dad and ratified with the ministry. Besides, why would I want to marry Malfoy now I have Harry?" Daphne said smirking slightly.
"I'll take that as a compliment." Harry said.
"You do that dear." Daphne replied sweetly.
"You can do this on your own time guys, we should get back to studying." Neville chimed in.
The group then made their way back to the library to continue their work on charms.
"What's the issue Daphne?" Harry asked as they walked at the back of the group.
"I just wanted to have you to myself for your birthday." Daphne said pouting.
"Well you will. I imagine Neville will have his party on his birthday which is Thursday, then I'll tell everyone to take the Friday off." Harry replied putting an arm around his fiancée's waist.
"Thank you Harry." Daphne said kissing his cheek.
"Just bare in mind that Sirius, Remus, Amelia and Susan will likely be here at some point though." Harry added causing Daphne to pout again. "Sorry, Daphne. You know I'd spend the whole day with you if I could but my family is very important to me."
"I know. Oh how I hate how big your heart is sometimes." She said sarcastically.
"Don't worry, no one is pushing you out of it any time soon." Harry replied with a wink, earning another kiss on the cheek. "Come on, we've got studying to do." Harry added as they continued walking into the library.

The next few days passed uneventfully. Thursday evening, Harry agreed to meet Daphne and her family at their home before Neville's party. Over the weeks since the news of the betrothal, Harry had spent many weekend days at Greengrass manor getting to know his new family. Harry had grown to view Astoria as little sister as she absolutely adored him and was clearly very jealous of her older sister. That evening, Harry was wearing a dark green dress shirt with black slacks and smart shoes, with an expensive watch he'd seen in a muggle store.
As Harry emerged from the flames at Greengrass manor he was engulfed in a hug from the younger Greengrass.
"Ahh, hello Tori." Harry said putting the ten year old down.
"Hi Harry. How are you?" Tori asked.
"I'm good thanks. Where's the rest of your family then?" He asked.
"They're still getting ready. You know what my sister is like." She replied.
"And what am I like Tori?" Daphne asked coldly from behind her. Tori gulped as Harry chuckled.
Daphne was wearing a silk dress that flowed down just below her knees that was the same colour as Harry's shirt. She was also wearing the necklace Harry had given her for Yule.
"Like an angel my dear fiancée. How beautiful you look this evening, and what a lovely necklace." Harry said with a wink.
"You're such a flirt." Tori said.
"Yes I am, because it works." Harry replied walking to Daphne placing his arm around her waist.
"He's right Tori. It does work." Daphne said smiling and kissing Harry on the cheek.
"It's just not fair." Tori whined.
"What's not fair dear?" Elizabeth Greengrass said walking down the stairs.
"That Daphne gets to marry someone like Harry." She replied.
"True, I'm just so lucky." Daphne said happily.
"While I appreciate the compliments ladies, should we not be leaving soon?" Harry asked.
"Right you are Harry." Cyrus Greengrass said from behind him. "Good to see you're comfortable with my daughter there Harry." He said again nodding to the arm he had around Daphne's waist.
"While appreciate you would like to be intimidating and protective of Daphne Cyrus, frankly, I'm more scared of her than I am of you." Harry said turning around to the older man.
"As it should be." Daphne said smirking.
"Now you know why I'm such a flirt Tori, I need to keep myself on her good side." Harry said squeezing Daphne to him.
"You do a pretty good job at that usually Potter." Daphne said.
"Oh please don't call me Potter like that. Reminds me of Malfoy." Harry said pretending to vomit.
"Oh dear, what a tragedy." She replied sarcastically.
"Come on lovebirds, we'll be late if we're not careful." Elizabeth walking towards the fireplace. "Longbottom manor" she said as Elizabeth and Tori stepped through.
"Go on you two." Cyrus said.

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