Baby Sitting Detail

Start from the beginning

"Okay, well have fun on your date ladies." Jason said with a shake of his head before him and Jacob departed, failing to catch the glare Mark had produced, Cane being unaffected with his tease.

"Elizabeth." Mark called out to her, as she stood by the door staring at its closed hold after Jason disappeared behind it. "Elizabeth." he said a little bit louder, finally garnering her attention as she turned around to look at him. "Do you agree with this shit?" he pointed to the screen, his other hand waving her over, to which she complied with gliding footsteps in his direction and her head slowly turning to the tv.

"Oh yes." she said softly, with a barely present smile. "I like this one."

"Told you. It's good." the stout beta said with a firm head nod, sending a wink over to the blonde for her agreeing to his suggestion.

"Look, Elizabeth. I know you're pissed at me, but I'm your favorite beta. You're supposed to be on my side." Mark said firmly, his tone showing a seriousness behind his playful words, a slight jealousy formed at her opting against his protest.

"I'm not mad." she said with a small shake of her head. "Let's watch." she said moving over to the bed and taking a seat against the headboard, her eyes zoning out on the tv.

"The fucking betrayal." Mark said with a shake of his own head as he reluctantly purchased the travesty of a movie under forced direction of being outnumbered by both her and the other beta.

"Hah." Cane voiced a singular laugh, being quite pleased with himself, his eyes focusing in on the movie as he sat on the table across the room. Who knew the burly man was fond of chic flicks, especially the sad depressing ones.


Elizabeth had only made it about forty-five minutes through the movie, during this time her body slowly shifted down the bed, and her eyes grew heavier. The end result left her being curled up in the fetal position with arms wrapped around a pillow, and her eyes rapidly moving underneath her lids, an outward sign indicating she most likely was in REM sleep. Mark had shifted the comforter out from underneath her frame, despite her rude actions against him in the movies selections, and tucked her in neatly. Cane remained absorbed in the movie, moving from the top of the table to the end of the bed, where he leaned back with his arms folded behind his head, ensuring he kept his distance from her slumbering form as he finished out the rest of it. His ice blue eyes misting towards the end, but no other sign of unrest appearing in their hue.

"Great, now I want to kill myself." Mark said at the movies ending. "Why do people watch this shit?" he said with a shake of his head, quickly grabbing at the remote and determining he was in charge of the next movie selection, needing a pick me up from the depressing mood the movie had placed him in.

"They just arrived at the pack house." Cane said, ignoring the whining beta as he looked at the group text sent.

"Well hopefully the meeting goes well. The sooner we get her stepped down and out of the position, the better. Poor girl needs a break." Mark said with a headshake.

"Will the blood ceremony really be effective if she is not the true Alpha who won the challenge?" Cane questioned as he watched carefully Mark's selection process, making sure he wasn't putting on something mind rotting and idiotic.

"Who fucking knows, man. This whole situation is fucked. I feel bad for her, she's too innocent for this bullshit."  the blonde beta replied with a sigh, selecting a classic comedy everyone could agree on, more specifically Cane, who was the only one who could vocally protest his decision.

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