I almost had a heart attack when Sammy flung himself off the bed, but he surprisingly landed on the carpet with a soft thud. Every day he does this, and every day I almost face the wrath of Rylan waking up.

He didn't, thankfully, but I still silently scolded Sammy. "You're gonna get me in trouble." I whispered, leading him out of the room. The door softly clicked shut behind me.

Keiko was sitting up on the coffee table when I walked out, looking absolutely ruffled from the sight of me. She doesn't like hybrids much, I came to realize. But it's fine. "Good morning." I reached out to petted her. She reluctantly let me, only because she liked being petted. In her head, she was probably wishing for Rylan.

Keiko absolutely adored Rylan. I couldn't blame her, who doesn't? She was more open to Kyler than me but I could tell he was on thin ice as well. The amount of treats he gives her is the only thing making him a close second.

After her morning pets, she went and laid down on her special cushion, right on top of Kyler's bookcases. She had multiple platforms lining the wall to hop along and reach high places.

Sammy envied her, I could tell, always scratching at the wall and whining up at her when she was someplace high. "You're too big." I told him, soothing him with head pats. He whined softly. "I know, I know. We can go for a walk instead, okay?" His head titled and eyes went still after hearing walk. "Come on, let's go on a walk."

He whined even louder and ran over to his leash hanging up.


There was a cafe by our house, adorably cozy and owned by a family I've come to greet every other morning. Kyler liked the bagels the most, Rylan liked the muffins, and I personally liked the coffee cake. Every time I left, I had a paper bag filled with different things.

I got the usual and added something new like I always did. Today it was two cranberry orange scones. Kyler would probably like it, I doubted I would, Rylan was a mystery. It was as though his tastebuds changed every week. One day he loves this and the next he hates it.

And because of this, the three of us usually went shopping together instead of alone. Every now and then, one of us would pick up something if necessary, but Mondays were usually dedicated shopping days.

With two pup cups in hand, one for Keiko of course, and a bag full of bakery goods, I closed the door to our house and kicked my shoes off. Sammy was doing circles, barely containing his excitement for his long awaited pup cup. As soon as he was off his leash, he devoured it.

Keiko was more reserved when she grabbed hers. Slowly, she padded over expectantly and waited until I put it down. Only then did she grab it and run off someplace secret. "You're welcome." I called after her. She disappeared into the kitchen. She's a bit of a brat-

Kyler suddenly poked his head out from the kitchen. His hair spilled over his shoulders in long waves, and he was still shirtless. "Where'd you go off to?" Joining him in the kitchen, I held up the paper bag of goodies.

He hummed in understanding, and greeted me with a kiss. It had my tail wagging and a soft noise of content slipping past my lips.

When he pulled away, I noticed Rylan was sitting at the dining table looking terribly sleepy. Still, he smiled when he saw me and beckoned me forward. I was given another kiss that had my tail wagging even faster. Two kisses already~ Maybe I'll try for a record today. "Missed you." He mumbled against my lips.

"Me too." I bit my lip to contain my smile and pulled back. Fishing through the paper bag, I pulled everything out. "I got your guys' usual stuff and cranberry orange scones." Kyler liked his bagels lightly toasted and Rylan liked his muffins microwaved, so I did that for them. They protested but I hushed them and continued to do my boyfriendly duties.

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