Chapter Nineteen

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The heaviness of the evening seems to close in as well as the silence. It's almost like with Alex, comfortable - except it isn't the same. It never will be. We both stare out into the near empty streets, more dull and gray than the cloudy sky.

Noah leans further back in his seat, hands resting on either of his legs. "It makes sense, I guess," he says. "He was acting off when he came downstairs. Like he was upset. But it was... there was something else."

I don't bother to turn my head. "Yeah," I agree, brushing my thumb over my hand. "You're right. I don't know what it was, though." Now we'll never know.

Noah stresses out a sigh, leaning against the window. "He was drunk, too."

I do the same, except biting down on my finger. "I remember trying to follow after him," I say, my forehead knitting together. "I spoke to you, didn't I?"

I see Noah nod from the corner of my eye. "Yeah," he replies. "Yeah, you did actually."

My heart pounds along with the music. Alex's lips leave a tingle on mine, thrumming through me like electricity. Except not in a good way. I need to find him, I think as I push open the bathroom door, bounding down the stairs. Each and every noise vibrates through me, buzzing inside my chest.

I push my way through the throng of teenagers, their bodies pressed so tight together that I can't see anything let alone get through them. Screams pierce my ears. Dark, drunken silhouettes sway all around me. All I can feel is the blood pummelling through my veins. I'm gonna be sick. Alex and me shouldn't have come. He shouldn't have dragged me along.

I let out a small gasp as I reach the kitchen, backing up into the corner next to the drink bar. My eyes scan over the plastic cups, and rows of bottles along the table. There's even a weird, small vile-like one. Where would he go? He wouldn't leave without me, would he?

The mere thought causes my stomach to churn. I place my hand on it, forcing myself to take in the crowd once more. I really need to find him. A familiar head of sleek brown hair swishes through the cluster. It must be Sadie. I can't ask her, really - and I don't think she'd know. Or that it'd be a good idea to tell her.

She does look really nice in that dress, though. But of course she does - she's Sadie.

And she's disappeared into the flashing darkness. Right. I need to find someone who'd know. Someone I can actually ask. A bulky, broad figure stands near the stair case, swaying on their feet a little, cup in hand. I think it's one of Jace's friends, and I cringe at the thought. It's Noah. Although, Alex hangs around him sometimes, so he can't be all that bad.

And Alex hates Jace just as much as I do.

"Noah?" I call out, making my way towards him. His head of shiny brown medium length waves lifts up, and he adjusts his gray beanie. At least he doesn't pretend like he can't see me. "Hey, have you seen Alex?"

He kicks back from his foot and strands upright. "Yeah," he replies, his voice deep enough that I can still hear it over all the noise. "He seemed pretty shaken up or something, though."

I feign a frown."Where'd he go?"

He shrugs, his plain white shirt clinging to his biceps. "To Sadie, I think. I saw them talking."

Great. The one person I have no chance with is my only bet. I set my face with determination and scan the crowd until I find her, talking to someone else. Well, I have to try. "Thanks, Noah." I say, meaning it, and walking towards Sadie with shaky steps.

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