Chapter Nine

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The door swings open. Sooner than I expect. I'm not ready for this. I shouldn't have - 

"Hello?" Mrs. Reagan says, before Nugget starts barking. "Oh!" she exclaims as he leaps at her, placing his paws on her long, black and white polka dotted ruffle-split skirt. Her clothes are darker than usual, apart from her copper coloured blouse. Even her eyes, once a warm wintergreen, are foggy with grief - and now on me. "Jamie? Oh my -" she cups her hands over her mouth.

Nugget trots inside, leaving me at the front door. My lips quirk into an uneasy smile. "Hi," I say, unsure what else to do. This was a mistake. 

Her rosy red lips twitch into a bright grin. "Oh my goodness," she exhales, stepping out the door with open arms. "We haven't seen you in so long." She remarks as she pulls me into a hug.

I pat her back gently. "It's been a while," I agree with a chuckle, reluctantly pulling away.

"Honey?" Comes another voice. "Who's there?" 

Mrs. Reagan turns to her husband, who appears at the door. "It's Jamie, and she -" she pauses, staring at me with wide eyes, smiling still. "She brought Nugget back."

Mr. Reagan looks at me, his stiff brows softening. "Jamie," he says, his voice rising with surprise. "It's nice to see you again." He adds with a sincere smile, his dark brown eyes gleaming. 

I manage another smile despite the tightness in my chest. "You too," I return, trying to get past both of their gawking gazes. Say something. They don't even know why you're here. "Oh, right. I - I was walking home from school and I saw Nugget out on the street. I didn't mean to show up unexpected -"

Mrs. Reagan just smiles more. "No, dear it's absolutely fine!" she assures me with a wave of her hand. "Please, come in. You can stay for a drink, can't you? We haven't seen you in so long." 

"Uh, sure." I reply, but she's already ushering me inside.

Mr. Reagan steps out of the way, hands still on his hips. Nugget nudges at him with his slobbery, goofy grin. He staggers over him to shut the door, following Mrs. Reagan and me into the kitchen.

I almost forgot how big and spacious their house is, with it's combined living and dining room.

Mrs. Reagan hurries into the kitchen. "Take a seat, dear," she prompts, flicking on the kettle whilst Mr. Reagon fetches several cups. "What would you like?" she asks, turning to face me.

 I slide onto one of the leather black seats at the dining table. Which is made of a rich, dark and polished wood - you'd think it's a glass textured tree. I haven't been here in so long... Sometimes I'd come here for dinner or simply to watch TV with Alex. I could, whenever I wanted - it was like I was a part of their family. A proper family. 

Mrs. Reagan tilts her head, the corners of her eyes crinkled with delight. "Tea, coffee, hot chocolate...?"

Oh! I straighten myself, offering a quick smile. "Er, a hot chocolate would be nice. Thank you."

She nods. "Of course," she replies, brewing me a cup. "Darling, could you pass the -"

I watch as he hands her a tub of hot chocolate powder, a tender smile forming on his thin lips. "Here."

Her hand lingers on his before she resumes making the drinks. "Thank you."

If anything, they haven't changed - their usual, lovey-dovey selves. Alex used to gag every time he caught them being corny. I'd punch him in the arm and say it was sweet. It's how I'd want my relationship to be - to some extent. Maybe not the whole 'darling' thing, though... 

"Here you go," Mrs. Reagan says, setting a steaming cup of frothy brown liquid in front of me. She and her husband take a seat beside each other, nursing their coffees.

"Thank you," I smile, and bring the rim of the cup to my lips. The sweet, rich liquid trickles down my throat, warming me from the inside out. 

"It's no trouble, dear." 

There's an empty, unnatural silence in the house. Even when they're speaking. It wouldn't be like that if Alex was here. His presence was loud, lively - always heard. 

Mrs. Reagan just sows another smile, as if his absence is unnoticed. "Thank you for bringing Nugget back, by the way - goodness knows where he could've wandered off to," she says, shaking her head at him, sitting near the archway into the main room by the front door. "Silly boy."

I follow her gaze. "He's adorable."

Mr. Reagan stares at the table, sipping from his cup whilst his wife nods in agreement. "Very much so," she confirms, pausing then turning to face me. "But he's a lot of work, and we don't really get out that much. I suppose that's why he wandered..."

I give a half-smile. What am I supposed to say?

She leans forward, frowning slightly. "Would you like to take him?" she asks, scanning my expression, which lifts with surprise. "We're too old to walk him, and he has a special bond with you."

Alex, I think. We had him. I hesitate slightly - I've always wanted a dog, but we've never really had the chance. With Mom, moving and well, the expenses. But I don't want to say no, either. "I'm not sure," I admit, wrapping my fingers around the mug. "I'd love to, but I don't think I'd be able to."

Mr. Reagan zones back in, suddenly, shooting his wife a puzzled expression before it disappears. He looks at me. "We'd pay for the food, the vet and all," he bargains, setting down his drink.

"Of course," she chirps in, giving me an encouraging grin. Almost desperate. "We just worry that he doesn't get out much, that he'll get a bit depressed with no one around."

I swallow hard. You mean, without Alex around. His one and only. I purse my lips. My one and only. "Sure," I say, after a second or two pass. "I'll take him, he's a great dog."

I hope my Dad thinks so, too.

They both smile and sit back in their chairs. Mr. Reagan's face relaxes, present in the moment. "Thank you," he says. "You've done a great deal for us."

Mrs. Reagan nods. "You have," she agrees. "Nugget gets lonely sometimes. He could do with the company."

The hot chocolate stirs in my stomach. "Yeah," I reply, looking over at him. "I understand."

I miss him, too. 

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