Chapter 9: Frozen Harmony

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Chapter 9: Frozen Harmony

The front door opened to the teen, revealing an icy world he would have thought to be beautiful, if it hadn't been for the events in the snow days before. Barren treetops were covered in fresh flakes, their lonely branches harboring rows upon rows of crystallized icicles. A stream flowed slowly through the small clearing, its path broken by large chunks of frozen water. All and all, the entire picture bore a strong resemblance to the middle of winter, down to the cold air that whipped its way into Beatrice's house and across the frosty scene ahead.

"I was sure that I felt spring coming soon," Wirt muttered, stepping out into the mill-house's front porch and tightening his cape around himself to act as - well - a blanket. "I guess that was weird of me to think that winter could be over so quickly. It had only lasted a few days, after all."

Beatrice stood beside him after she closed the door to her house, not even a goosebump on her revealed arms. The poorly-dressed girl glanced over into the forest with calm indifference, taking in the view in silence.

Wirt watched her contentedly, taking in her expression as a silent answer to his questions. For a while there was nothing but a blankness on her face as she observed the brittle land, from the slick rocks to the smothered grass. As if some invisible force had been tugging at her hope, her mouth slowly dipped into a frown, her unease shining like a beacon on a night of a full-moon.

I'm guessing this isn't normal? Wirt blinked, the chill of the outside world already seeping through his cape and penetrating the warmth of his body. He huddled into a smaller ball, hunched over slightly to keep his heat concentrated. The memory of his fateful fall into the blistering snow left a mark on the teen and the very mention of the cold sent shivers up his spine. Why must it be so cold? So . . . so c-cold . . .

"Wirt. Wirt," Beatrice called, concern edging her features as she placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, if we need to go back inside, we can. You're the same awesome weirdo whether you can handle being outside or not."

Wirt shuddered, attempting to smile through the building fog that swirled from them after each breath. "I-I'm fine, Beatrice. At least I'm not that sore anymore compared to yesterday. Besides, I need to be out here anyway because I'll have to start traveling again soon. It would be best if -" Wirt's sentence came to a sudden halt; the gnome-dressed boy found himself in a fit of hacking coughs, the dry, polar air sucking the moisture from his lungs like a sponge dipped in water. His nose was a bright shade of pink, his cheeks flushed and his skin pale. It almost appeared as if he'd come down with a cold.

"Oh no, I knew it," Beatrice frowned as his cough subsided. "Wirt, we're going back in the house. Right now." Not giving him any chance to fully recover, the former bluebird grabbed ahold of one of his skinny arms and tugged him forcefully back the way they'd came, not bothering to be gentle in the action.

Wirt hissed when her pull upset the lingering tenderness in his muscles, but before he could say anything they were already inside, the front door shut securely behind them.

"Hey! Ow," the fifteen year-old grimaced, clutching his arm that had just been released from her merciless talons. "You could've at least been easier with me, you know. That hurt."

"You were having a seizure out there, Wirt," she replied bluntly, shaking her head. "You can't expect me to just stand there and wait until you're ready to be let in. And there's no point in pulling you if I'm going to do it softly. You might as well walk on your own."

Ah, Beatrice. Stubborn as usual, Wirt remarked to himself, sighing. I guess there isn't any point in arguing with her. That never turns out well.

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