35: Wanting You Hurts

Start from the beginning

There was another slam of a door making Kirishima look over.

"Oh no..."

His words made Katsuki look at him and follow his gaze. Once he saw who it was, he saw eyes staring directly towards him in pure hatred while making their way towards him angrily. Katsuki stood up from his seat, going towards the angry person once they stood in front of each other, a hand made harsh contact with Katsukis face making the blonds head turn in the same direction of the hit. He held his cheek while his face turned with one of anger. He shot his head towards the other about to yell but stopped and relaxed a bit. He saw fuzzy frown eyes covered in forming tears while the others ran down their cheeks.

"Y-you were supposed t-to PROTECT him!" she yelled, making everyone turn their direction. Katsukis gaze now turned one of frustration before letting go of his red cheek and pointing to the direction of the hospital doors.

"Don't you think I know that Uraraka?! Don't you think I know I was supposed to be on top of him and make sure he was safe?! Don't you think I feel horrible for all the things I did to him?"

"Then tell me why! Why was he out there? Alone. In the dark. In the middle of the city, getting attacked by a bunch of villains?!" She yelled, sailing her arms around in anger.

"We had a fight and he left! Ok! Happy? Are you happy with the answer?!" Katsuki yelled in anger. Uraraka lowered her voice upon noticing her surroundings seeing that everyone was staring. She took a couple of breaths so her anger can ease a bit.

"How can a fight result us in this place?" she asked gesturing at the building they were inside. She was still angry but controlled her voice.

Katsuki did the same but kept his voice loud.

"You wouldnt understand..." he said.

Uraraka squinted her eyes in protest "How?"

"I said. It's complicated. Let. It. go." He turned around and slipped back into his seat next to Kirishima. Uraraka snapped her head towards Kirishima who shook his head for her to drop it. Clearly he knew more than her so she stormed over to the front desk and then left towards the direction the lady pointed to. Kirishima furrowed his brows and also got up from his seat. Katsuki noticed but kept his slumped position while following the redhead with his gaze. He talked to the lady and pointed to the same door. Kirishima turned around and pointed to his phone in hand before disappearing behind the doors. Katsuki didn't understand and sat there just staring at the door. His phone pinged, signaling someone messaged him. He took out his phone to look at the message.

Kirishima: I saw Uraraka do this was so I assumed she went to go see Midoriya and I followed her. I heard that you weren't allowed to see him so i'm going for you to check on Izuku. Do you want me to send a picture of Izuku when I get there?

Katsuki immediately opened his phone and quickly texted back.

Katsuki: No I want to see him myself when I am allowed but I would like you to tell him that I would like to visit him.

Kirishima looked at his phone seeing that his friend replied almost immediately. He nodded his head and put the phone back in his pant pocket. He looked ahead of him and saw the door he needed to get to. He sped his pace so he could reach the door faster and opened it almost instantly making the two people inside look over.

"Sorry..." Kirishima said in a whisper while closing the door more quietly and sat down next to Uraraka who had a questioning look while staring at the door. Kirishima understood and gestured his head towards Izuku, who was messing with his gown.

"God I hate these things..." Izuku said while trying to get comfortable on the bed. Uraraka looked over to the boy and smiled sweetly.

"When did you get out of surgery?"

Izuku looked over and smiled as well "Ten minutes ago. The doctors put some sort of drug on me to wake me up sooner or something." he responded. He looked over towards Kirishima who was just staring at Izuku nervously.

"Something wrong?" Izuku asked while tilting his head. Kirishima bit his lip before opening his mouth to speak.

"Bakugou... wanted to let you know that he's here..."

Izuku now held a frustrated gaze while harshly looking away.

"I have nothing to say to him. He can do whatever he wants- I don't care.." He looked over towards Kirishima "...He lied to me"

Kirishima shifted again in his chair while looking away in shame, making Izuku squint his eyes and open them in realization before glaring at Kirishima's profile.

"You knew didn't you?!" he seethed through his teeth. Kirishima shut his eyes tightly, nodding his head before looking at Izuku.

"Get. Out." Izuku said while pointing his good arm towards the door. His movement hurt but he could care less at the moment.

"Wait Mido-"

"I don't wanna hear it! Now GET OUT!" Izuku yelled, making Uraraka and Kirishima flinch away. The read head complied with his request and made his way out the door. Izuku dropped his hand and had tears going down his eyes. The brunette heard the sniffling and the tiny short breaths the boy was taking and looked in his direction. Izuku's bottom lip quivered while salty tears ran down his freckles cheeks into his mouth. His eyes were glistening brightly while his eyebrows faced upwords expressing an emotion filled with sadness. His shoulders were slumped, one lower than the other, while they shook slightly. He was hurt both emotionally and physically. His body was filled with small guts all over, his leg had a huge gash running across his upper thigh. It was stitched up but that didn't mean it wasn't going to leave a scar. He had a good amount of bruises all over his back and stomach but were covered from his hospital wear. His right shoulder was wrapped tightly with yellow stained bandages from both blood and disinfectant. Every sobbing shake of his body, made him cry more tears from the pain. Uraraka started crying as well and went over to hold the other's good hand, making Izuku look her direction still in tears and making no movement to wipe them away.

"I-Will be here if y-you need me ok? All you have to do is...sniff... call me if you need anything ok?" She said rubbing her thumb over his hand. Izuku nodded his head and squeezed her hand. He started balling even more and pulled Uraraka over to him to hug her to death. She complied and wrapped her around his torso, still being careful of other injuries, and cried with him. Even though they only met that same day, they had a pretty strong connection after finding out more about each other. Soon after, the brunette let go and wiped her tears away. Izuku did the same and smiled at her the best he could.

"Thank you Uraraka. I appreciate you being here for me even though you didn't need to"

The brunette shook her head "I'm your friend and friends are there for eachother"

Izuku smiled, letting one last tear fall, but this one was one of happiness. He nodded his head and shoo-ed her away so she could go home and rest. It was very late now, maybe midnight. The shorter brunette hesitated before leaving, but eventually was blackmailed to leave. Izuku laughed a bit, even though it hurt.

"I promise that if you leave i'll tell you what happened" he said

"Fine" she sighed "bye Izuku!"

Uraraka waved while Izuku just gave her a smile. As soon as the door shut his eyes started to water. He really hated not being around the blonde. It gave him comfort and safety when he was secure in his strong arms. He loved the way he treated him, although sometimes it was just teasing to try to embarass him. Katsuki was no different. He loved having his arm wrapped around the greenettes body. It made him know that he was his and no one else's. He missed the smile that grew wider when he saw the blonde just like the old days. Although he also loved when Izuku's face turned red out of embarrassment every time he did or said something embarrassing. Both males were miserable without each other but both were too stubborn to do anything about it. Izuku could call in a nurse right away and ask for Katsuki to come and Katsuki could have called Izuku. His phone was right beside him so why not give it a ring and see if he answers?

Izuku yawned and laid down in his bed so he could get some shut eye with Katsuki doing the same in the waiting room. As their consciousness finally took over them only one thought roamed in their head.

"I miss him"

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