It was a letter. He sat upright placing his back on the headboard and continued reading it.

I know you wont read these considering I will never send these to you, but I need to admit something. I truly am sorry for the things I did to you in middle school. I was a total asshole to you when you didn't even do anything. It's been a couple weeks after starting UA high and let me tell you it's boring as hell. After you moved away everything was just... plain? I dont know its just weird considering we literally have been together all these years. Even if we didn't want to or it was unintentional, you were always there. You can say that In a way, your presence made everything more interesting. Not that it means anything, it's just how it feels you know? Everyone else around me is fucking annoying especially this one dude who keeps bugging me. Anyway I just wanted to say that I was sorry and I hope you are doing well without me.

The letter was pretty short but it had plenty of information to make Izuku realize that Katsuki was writing a letter to his friend. The person who they were talking about in their last two sessions. He smiled and quickly grabbed another one. As the minutes went by, after every letter, Izuku was getting more and more into the letters, finding them cute. The letters got longer and each were, about, a year apart. Izuku finally finished the one he was reading and looked at how many he had left. His smile brightened when he saw that he only had one left.

"Finally!" he said while grabbing it. He looked at the date to see that it was written over a year ago. He shrugged and started reading.

I know it ridiculous to keep writing these stupid letters but I just can't help myself. This is the only way I can tell myself that you're still out there living a good enough life without me. That and so I can just dump my feelings somewhere instead of throwing them at some random villain and causing damage. A lot of damage at that. That's actually why I decide to write today. I had so many emotions pent up inside of me that I caused so much damage while fighting a villain, I put people in danger. I put civilians in danger, I put my friends in danger... I even put myself in danger by giving myself up on the stupid villain. He made it look like you were right there in front of me. It looked so real too. Good thing it wasn't. I was thankful you weren't with me today. That bastard was holding you and touching you like you belonged to him. It made me furious and weak and of course he saw it and took advantage of my one weakness. I did everything he asked which was so stupid of me but could you blame me? You were right there in front of me. Those glowing green orbs staring at me with plead exactly like the time you fell off the roof and closed tightly when you were touched in the wrong places. Your freckled cheeks were glimmering with your tears, running down your face all the way to the floor mixing with the blood on the floor. Your natural green curls were attached to your sweating figure while your whole body trembled in fear. Your clothes were ripped, your skin was cut, and your body trembled everytime I did a false move or disobeyed. I put so many people in danger today and no one understood why since no one could see the same horrifying view in front of me. And i'm sure you didn't see it either on the news and were confused why the number one hero was acting so strangely. Well it was because I was looking at you Izuku. I saw you. I saw my future in front of me being torchered even though you were out of danger. Today I will promise that As soon as I see you I will take you with me and make sure to never let you go. I will become your hero Izuku Midoriya. And no one else's. I love you and I can only hope you remember me.

-Your Kacchan

Izuku stared at the letter. He had absolutely no words making his mind do all of the work.. Everything made sense. Katsukis change in behaviour, how he easily accepted to job to take care of Izuku after his surgery, how-

"Hey sorry I took so-" Katsuki stopped in his tracks when he turned around to look at the greenhead. Izuku snapped his head towards the other in an unreadable expression. Katsuki took a slow step forward with a panicked expression.

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