Whipping out my phone, I hit #3 on speed dial for Mom.

In three rings, she answered, "Hello, Mom?"

"Yes, dear?"

"Did you ever have a sister when you were human?"

"Yes, I did... Why do you ask?"

"What did your sister look like?" I asked ignoring her question, eager to find out, but feeling sick with the horrid news I'd have to tell her soon.

"Well, she looked like me except her hair was brown not light blonde and she had the same beautiful brown eyes as her hair. Before your Father came for me, she was pregnant...with that monsters child. Her husband was awful and beat her. If I recall he was...Egyptian," Mom explained, rambling quite a bit..

I gasped and she instantly said, "Honey, what is it?"

"N-nothing," I stammered and swallowed.

I had found my cousin! And she was a little bit younger than me...What's more is that whatever had happened to her, was now a very real possibility for me, assuming they took the vampyre gene right out of her...

I slowly released the breath I had been holding, and cleared my throat for what I was going to tell her next.

"Mom, our worst fears have become true.. I am the last pure blood. I was attacked last night, but disposed of the Tracker,"

I heard her gasp and then she must have pulled the phone away from her head and told my Father because the next instant his deep voice was on the other end of the phone.

"Sery. Don't come home. That will be the first place the half bloods will come next. They have to know us by now and they'll do anything to find you. As well as human authorities. Wherever you are and the human that your with, whoever she is, don't trust her,"

"Alright," I said softly, but knew that deep in my heart I could trust Alleeah and I did. She was after all family.

"Whatever happens to us is nothing Sery. And never forget...we love you," My father said, bringing a lump of emotions in my throat.

I refused to cry though and choked out a harsh, "I love you and mom, too,"

"Goodbye, daughter," he rumbled out.

And the line was dead.

I sat there, just thinking. What was I going to do with Alleeah? If she was human, I couldn't take her. And if she wasn't that didn't change anything, she still couldn't come. She had to stay, no matter if she came or left she would eventually play a huge part in my life... I knew that much.

I sighed and turned over the still shocking thought. I was the last pure blood.. The last vampyre born from a mother and father and not from just one stray vampyre who left me to fend for myself after I turned. No I was once a vampyre baby, not a human baby. I was never human, although I carry very human-like qualities and emotions.

I sighed again, I had to leave and quickly. I'd leave tomorrow night. I needed to speak with Alleeah and spend a bit more time thinking things out. However, the longer I stayed, the greater risk I was bestowing upon Alleeah and I needed to protect her. She was family I could come back to because I was sure Mom and Dad would be dead in a few days, maybe weeks at the latest.

I moved out to sit on the couch.

I flipped open my phone and I made another call to my travel agent. My parents had quite a bit of money, since well, living for a couple centuries and taking their victims money...

"Yes, I'd like you to find me a plane to Ontario, Canada please. Preferably at midnight tomorrow," I said.

"There is a flight open at that time," My agent said.

Bloody InvolvementsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora