Chapter 3

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We saw a line of cars up ahead and I breathed in a sigh of relief.

For a second I thought everything disappeared. I laughed to myself and Tyler looked at me.

"What's so funny?" He asked warmly.

"Oh, nothing." I smiled at him.

But the smile on my face soon disappeared as we neared the line of "traffic".

"What's wrong?" He asked.

I said nothing. I just pointed straight ahead. Yes, there was a line of cars, but they weren't moving. They weren't even on. Some of the doors to the cars were opened and abandoned. Some of the cars had blood splattered on the inside and the outside. I covered my mouth to muffle my cry.

"Holy Shit." Tyler whispered under his breath.

I usually would of yelled at him for cussing in front of my little sister, but she was asleep, and his cursing was kind of reasonable for the time.

I heard a little groan from the back seat.

Oh shit.

"Tyler, we've got to get out of here!" I whisper-yelled, wary of waking my sister.

"Turn around!" He whispered back.

"We've got to get to the house." I fell silent for a second. "I'll be right back."

Tyler opened his mouth to protest but I quickly cut him off. "I have to."

He grabbed my hand. "I'm coming with you."

"No! You stay here with Anna." I said while opening the car door. I quickly stepped out of the jeep. I started walking towards the crime scene, the scent of blood an decay burning my nose. I saw two people in the distance and stopped.

I cuffed my hands over my mouth.

"Hello?" I yelled.

The two figured turned to face me. It was pretty far away, but I could tell they were covered in blood. They had a grayish hint to their flakey skin.

"Hello?" I yelled a little bit louder. They started limping toward me pretty quickly. As they got closer all I heard were snarling and growling noises coming from them. One looked like it had bullet wounds in its chest, and the other ones flesh was practically hanging of its body.

What's wrong with them?

I didn't want to stick around to find out. I turned around and ran as fast as I could back to the jeep. I opened the doors and hopped in out of breath.

"What's wrong?" Tyler asked.

"That." I pointed to the two "things" limping towards the car. Just as I was about to drive, Anna woke up.

"What's going on?" She said sleepily.

"Don't look outside, Anna."

"What? Why?" She said.

"Just don't!" I screamed at her.

She looked outside anyways.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god." She started breathing really heavily. She was having a panic attack.

"We have to go now." I stated. I spun the car around and started driving the other way. Tyler hopped in the back to try to calm Anna down.

Meanwhile, I tried calling the police. There was no answer. I sighed and looked at the gas tank. It was nearing the E. Good thing I realized that before I passed the exit. I veered off to the right. After another mile or two of driving, we reached a 7/11. I hopped out of the car and walked into the store.

Nobody was there.


Good thing I used to work at a gas station, so I know how to work it. I walked back to the car.



"Put the gas pump in the car, I'm going to work the machine." I said casually.

Tyler gasped. "Isn't that illegal?"

"It isn't when you really need it!" I yelled and stomped into the store.

Tyler just stood there not knowing what to do. Eventually he lifted the pump to the gas tank and swiped the credit card.

I sighed and pushed a couple buttons. Soon it was all over. I heard some movement from the area with a sign that read "employees only".


Well I better let them know that I took their gas. I should give them their money. I walked up to the door. Something inside of me was screaming at me not to open it.

But I opened it anyways. Suddenly, another one of those "things" came out, but this time it attacked me. It started clawing at me and I fell on the ground. it landed on top of me. It was taking everything I had to keep its snapping teeth away from me.

"Get off of me!!" I yelled angrily.

The only response I got was more snarls.

The smell of rotten meat was filling my senses, and burning my eyes. It's mouth kept snapping right in front of me, getting bloody slobber all over my face.

"What's wrong with you?" I screamed even louder.

Just then Tyler bust in. He stared at me and the creature with wide eyes. His anger started to show in his face.

"You better get off of her!" He yelled and held his fist up. The creatures attention was now focused on him. It slowly started to get up off of me and shuffle towards Tyler. Once it reached him, Tyler started swinging.

Tyler punched the thing straight in the face, followed by and upper cut, and a blow to the chest. The creature wasn't even fazed. Tyler started backing up slowly.

"What the hell?" He whispered to himself, even though I could hear it. I just sat there watching like an idiot. What was I supposed to do?

Suddenly the thing grabbed Tyler's arm and brought it up to its snapping teeth. It bit down on his arm, tearing a piece out of it. Tyler let out an agonized cry as blood squirted from his arm.

All of the sudden, the thing fell to the ground with a knife in its head. Tyler fell to the ground as well, holding on to his wounded arm. I looked near the doors and saw a boy. He looked around the age of 14, and he had just chucked a knife at that creatures head.

He stepped on the things dead body and pulled the knife out of its head, and wiped the blood off on its shirt. I inspected the boy. He had long, brown hair that was in desperate need of a haircut. He had piercing blue eyes, similar to Tyler's.

The boy suddenly raised his arm, and looked like he was gonna throw the blade at Tyler. I quickly got up and ran to him.

"Stop!" I screamed and collapsed next to Tyler. "What are you? Like a 9th grade psychopath? How can you just go around killing people without even flinching?!"

The boy looked at me in surprise. "What do you mean?" He said, lowering his weapon.

"How can you just kill something like that, and then almost kill my boyfriend?" I yelled at him.

"Shh, please quiet down, you'll attract the Rotters." He said while looking around nervously. "And that 'thing' I just killed was one of them." He sighed. "Where have you been this whole time? Under a rock?"

I looked at him confused.

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about, but what does any of this have to do with Tyler?"

I looked at him. It looked like he was in shock. Blood was pouring from his wound at an alarming rate, and the teeth marks were turning black.

The boy sighed. "He got bit."

"And?" I said coldly.

He looked me in the eyes.

"He's going to die."

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