Chapter one

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"When there is no more room left in hell, the dead will roam the earth"


I felt a smile slowly growing on my face.

"You did not." I gasped in surprise. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"I did." He said, smiling back at me. "I thought since it's gonna be your eighteenth birthday, we might as well celebrate..." He held up three slips of paper. "And I thought, 'what better way to celebrate adulthood than going on a cruise'".

I jumped on him as an attempt of a big hug.

Didn't work.

I fell on my ass.

Tyler grabbed my hand and pulled me up into a kiss. I kissed him back, my soft lips pressing against his. I could feel him smile through the kiss.


I suddenly pulled away with a confused look on my face.

"Who's the third ticket for?" I glanced at the three tickets he was still holding on to, eyeing the third one.

"Well, you see..." He scratched his head and let out a nervous laugh. He pointed down the hallway to the wooden door that lead to my little sisters room.

"Really, Tyler? You're scared of a 13 year old?" I laughed as I imagined my bubbly blonde sister scaring my boyfriend.

"Yes, Alice! She's scarier than you think!" He said with a serious look on his face. I couldn't help but crack a smile at him. I always find my self smiling when I'm around him.

"So did she tell you to do it, or are you just scared of her reaction if we don't take her?"

"The second one."

I laughed. "You weirdo." I started playing with his dark brown hair. He pulled me into another kiss and I kissed him back, putting my arms around his neck. The scent of him made its way into my nose. I loved it, the smell of him, and I don't care how creepy that sounds.

"Come on, sis, really?"

I broke away to see my little sister, Anna, staring at us with a disgusted look on her face.

"Yes, really." I have her a pouty look. She had just ruined my kiss.

"What's that?" She pointed to the tickets Tyler was holding.

"We were just getting to that." Tyler laughed. He held one out for her to take. She quickly snatched it up and started reading it. Here eyes grew wide.

"We're going on a cruise?" She asked excitedly.

"You guessed it." Tyler grinned.

She looked at me and giggled happily. "When are we leaving?"

"We leave tomorrow." Tyler smiled. "So you better get packing."

"Tomorrow?! Tyler!!" I yelled.

"Oh and don't worry about your parents, I already told them." He smiled sweetly at me.

I gave him "the stare".

"Goodbye, goodnight love you! Im picking you up at six in the morning, be ready." He gave me a quick kiss and ran out the door.


"Well," I sighed. "Better get packing."


It was 12:00 am when I finally got all of my stuff together. It was 12:30 after I made sure my sister packed all her necessities. I put everything in the living room. When I got back to my room, I jumped into bed. I wrapped myself up in my warm blanket, turned on my radio, and I was out like a light.


I woke up to the sound of Carrie Underwood blasting in my ear.

"Can you not?" I rolled over.

My sister usually wakes me up by blasting music in my ear, which I found very obnoxious and annoying.

"Alice, we gotta get ready!!" Anna whisper-yelled.

I looked at the clock. 5:45.

Oh shit.

I suddenly jumped up out of bed and started flying around the house getting ready. I quickly yanked my brush through my long brown hair, then i grabbed my tooth brush and toothpaste and quickly started brushing my teeth. I scowled at the strong, bitter minty taste of the tooth paste. I prefer the fruity kind. I looked at myself in the mirror. I put some makeup on around my honey brown eyes and then turned to the lip gloss.

After I finished getting myself ready, I helped Anna. We finished just in time as there was a knock at my door. I opened it.

"You ready to go?" Tyler smiled.

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