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Your POV:

I made a run for the trees. I could hear people running behind me but I was gradually getting further ahead so I started to slow to spot a tree I could climb.

Another big mistake.

One of the boys caught up to me and tackled me to the floor, pinning my arms by my side. I struggled to get out of his grip, he was very strong. I panicked, so I gave him a quick peck on the cheek -only to disorientate him- and as expected it worked. He pulled back, leaving enough room for me to bring my knees up to his chest and push him off.

Then I was running again. I found a tree, most of the guys had stopped to see why the Asian boy who tackled me suddenly sat there, a confused expression on his face. But only one boy had followed me further. He had followed me and watched me climb up my tree.

The Blonde Brit.

He started up the same tree and then sat on the same branch as me but he kept his distance. At least he's respectful.

"You alright there greenie? You're staring at nothin' ya know?" Blondie said from the other side of the branch.

"Sorry..." I mumbled as I snapped my gaze over to him to finally take in his appearance. "Are there any other girls?" I asked hopefully.

"I'm sorry love, no. You're the first. I'm hoping for your sake that you aren't the last." He does care...

"Will you answer my questions?" He nodded. "Where am I?"

"Well Love, you're in the glade. Surrounded by four giant concrete walls, with no exit. I don't mean to scare ya' but, we have no explanation for why we're all here or who put us in the glade, so anything I tell you will be to the extent of my knowledge."

"What's your name? Why can't I remember mine?"

"The name's Newt. And the reason you can't remember your name, or any other name or face from your life before the glade, is the shuck creators doing. They wiped all our memories of people we knew. All we're left with is basic knowledge and the life skills we learned."

"Well that's lovely isn't it?" I snorted. I see I do have a sense of humour. I stared down at my nails, they were the perfect oval shape. Hah. They won't survive in a place like this for long. Did the so called 'creators' give me a manicure before this or something?

"Can I come closer to you?" At least he's asking.

"Sure I guess. But don't think I won't use this on you." I tried to find the dagger but then realised I must have dropped it, "well shit."

The blonde chuckled. "Oh I know you would if you still had it, but I've seen your ankle. It looks like it's hurting you, can I take a look?"

"What are you like the medic of this place or something?" A lot of questions are flying around right now.

"No, no. That's Clint's job, but before I became Alby's second in command, I worked with him so I know a little."

"Alby? Clint? Second in command? Jobs?" I asked as I gingerly put my ankle up on the (thicc) branch for Newt to inspect. "And I'm pretty positive it's not broken since I just ran on it, and only bruised. I didn't get a good look at it in the dark."

"Mhm." He gently touched my now-swelling ankle and I winced. "I'm sorry love but I can't do anything for this, it's going to have to be Clint."

"Wait, I'm going to have to be around those things? Those boys?" I earned another chuckle from Newt.

"Well, you do live with us now greenie. And most of use aren't that bad." He said most. Probably referring to the one who lifted me out of the box.

"Fine. Can you at least get out my way so I can come down?" I said.

"Yes, yes of course. If you need to take the weight off your ankle I'm here." Damn this boy respectful.


A couple hours later and I had been flirted with twice, stared at inappropriately with at least four pairs of eyes and touched by at least five boys. God I hate men. None of them however, were Newt or Alby or Minho. I had met Minho he was the guy who had tackled me. He was nice and was slowly becoming my best friend.

"Hey Greenie!" Newt.

"Hi Newt." I was slowly softening, I was quite hostile and suspicious of everyone but I'm softening towards Newt, Alby and Minho.

"Can I show you something?" He asked.

"Yeah, sure." A smile grew on his face and then he motioned for me to follow him. We walked towards the tree that I had found and then climbed. It felt like days ago, but it was only hours. My ankle was better, yes it was still painful but nothing I couldn't handle. It had been dislocated, I'm not entirely sure how but it had been. Clint set it back for me and Newt stood and watched.

"This is going to hurt like hell Greenie. I'm sorry we can't make it easier." Clint said.

"Oh well, just get it over with. Newt, let me squeeze your hand." I put my hand out for him to put his in. And he did.

"Okay Love, please don't break my hand though, I'm going to need it for my job." He said a light chuckle in his voice.

"Okay, three... two... one..." Clint was preparing me for whatever was going to happen next.

"SHIT!" I gripped Newts hand and he winced so I loosened my grip. It was over, it still hurt like hell as Clint said, but it was done.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as someone put their hand on the small of my back and I jumped. "Greenie I'm so sorry! I should've asked if I could do that! I'm so sorry!" Newt said and then mumbled to himself how stupid he was for doing that.

"It's okay Newt, don't worry. It just took me by surprise. Plus I know where we're going so," I put my hand out for him to hold. He took it with a big smile on his face. We both blushed then set off running.

We got to the top of the tree just in time to see the sun hit the glade walls and an outstanding sunset.

"Wow..." I breathed. I felt Newts eyes on me so I looked over.

He blushed then stuttered "I-I'm glad you like it. It's my favourite spot at this time."

We sat there for a good, twenty minutes watching the sunset until it got completely dark.

"Can you tell me more about the glade?" I asked. I had my head on his shoulder but I looked up at him when I asked the question.

"Well, we've only spent a month here, Alby is the leader 'cause he was the first to wake from his coma-thingy, me next, then Minho, Gally, Fry, George, James and so on and so on. And when Min first woke up he was wearing all green so me and Alby made up the nickname 'Greenie' for the newbies and it kinda stuck. And when we woke, all the buildings were here. Oh and tonight you're going to have my hut, god knows what those twats will do. But first, we're having a bonfire to signify our first month and our first girl in the glade!"

We climbed down the tree and ran over to the homestead where the builders had gathered stuff for the bonfire.

"Hey Greenie! Hey Newt! You guys excited?"

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