ابدأ من البداية

"Isn't that the guy from 'The Analyst'?" A loud whisper from my right.

And I know I shouldn't have looked but I did.

It was a groups of guys, surprisingly.

The biggest of them's eyes widened fractionally before he gave me a discrete acknowledging nod.

I return it with a smile, just before something runs into me and throws me back.

I keep myself from falling at the last second.

As soon as I got myself back together, I stare down at the roadblock.

Red messy locks. Average clothes. And a surprised look on her face as she stares up at me with familiar green eyes.

Definitely a stalker.

"Look where you're going, why don't you?" I snapped.I'd had enough already. Of course, since she was a stalker, which she clearly was, she must've orchestrated the whole run-in.

Including the late wake up call and the unbuttered toast from room service, I was quickly losing my patience.

Who knew going for a three day hiatus could be so unrelaxing. And was three days justifiably defined as a hiatus?

I continue to stare at the girl. She hasn't said a word.

"Oh for goodness sake, are you alright?" Maybe, I'd hit her too hard or she hit the ground, headfirst and now had a concussion.

But then again,she wasn't displaying signs of any head trauma.

Given the lengths she'd gone to for a meet and greet I thought my next offer would suffice, "Now, lady. I don't want any trouble, okay? I've had enough girls fawning over me for today."

She didn't acknowledge my words, instead her eyes did a once over.

I smirked. Of course she was checking me out!

But then she did the one thing the millions of girls had never done in my presence since my debut.

She scoffed. She actually flipping scoffed.

Justifiably, a scowl appears on my face. "Look," this was getting annoying, "I'm in a hurry. What do you want?"

My presence must've been too hard for her to process because she still didn't say anything.

"Do you want money?" I said, even though I knew it was a douche move. In every single movie I've watched, that line got the guy a slap in the face or a kick to the family jewels. But given her current unresponsive nature, I thought that was the only plausible thing to ask to garner a reaction.

She stands up and brushes nonexistent dust off her clothes with her fingers. "No, I don't want your money," she finally says as bents down to pick up her bag.

Success! She's talking! And my family jewels and face were safe!

"Well then," I release a sigh in relief as I smile, "goodbye." Then I turn around and walk in the other direction, trying to be inconspicuous with it. I've drawn enough attention to myself as it is.

"Hey!" I hear someone call out from behind me.

Even though I'd only conversed with her once, I recognized her voice.

She must've remembered she was supposed to get my number.

I pull out my access card to the room from my wallet and open the doors, disappearing within its tinted depths within seconds.

Rushed (Hate at First Flight #1) ✔️حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن