Chapter 1: Dates & First Moves

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Chapter 1: Dates and First Moves

A first date should not be romantic. A date is a date. It is a day you pick a girl/guy up and plan a day of fun. Unique things. Taking a girl/guy to the park. Going to the beach and talking with the girl/guy and diving into the water together. Unique things. Instead of going to dinner for the first time. Dates are transformations from friends to best friends to girlfriend/boyfriend. Don't rush the one thing that makes your life incredible and take the easy street. Take things at a normal pace and you'll win the race. So let's start with some advice. On the first date please don't do movies.This fails every time. You and the person you want to bond with won't bond at all. Staring at a big movie screen with no type of talking between you and the girl/guy is pointless. You want to make some kind of chemistry between you and the other person. I know some people might have a comeback to that and say "Well we can talk about the movie after we are done watching it". If you think that, then you're wrong. Talking about the movie doesn't help you learn important things from the person. You just learn one of these things. He/she either likes the movie. Or he/she doesn't. You may learn if he/she likes popcorn or hot dogs, or cotton candy. But come on. Do you really want to know if he/she likes these types of foods or if he/she likes the movie?. No. You want to know what this person is about. You want to see if this person is worth being around with. You want to know if this date will be the last between you and him/her. That's what you want to know. That's why movies are not a good idea for a first date.You can do movies later on in the relationship. (If a relationship ever occurs) . But not at your first date. So now you might be asking yourself "Where can I go for my first date?". Well, the question from me to you is "What places do you know that are fun and let you talk without interruptions?". It shouldn't be a fancy dinner. Why not fancy dinners?.Well, let's say you're a guy. And you pay for this huge dinner for this girl. Next thing you know you find out she isn't really your type. Then you also find out that you have a huge bill to pay at the end of your dinner. Sounds pretty bad doesn't it?. It does. Don't do fancy dinners for first dates. Especially if you're the one paying. After the dinner, your wallet will be blown off before you can even run away from the scene. And for all the men out there....majority of the time a woman will pay attention to how expensive the dinner is. If the food is too cheap, some women will think you're a cheap guy with a minimum wage job. And if the food is expensive they will assume you have money. But you will be so broke after the date you will be using coupons for the next time you meet a girl. Some girls can be expensive. Some men can be too. There are actual guys out there that will make a woman spend loads of money on them. I personally don't take money from any woman. Except my mother. But come on. Who doesn't?. So now you want to know a few places to go for a date. There isn't a lot of places. But there are a few I can list from the top of my head. So in the next few lines I will name a place and the reason why you should date in that place. 1st on the list is a date on the beach. You and your date can dive into the water together. Splashing and laughing. Get a suntan together. Talk with each other while tanning. If you're a guy you can buy your lady a drink. And if you're lucky enough she'll let you rub sunscreen lotion all over her body. If she doesn't let you, don't  worry. That doesn't indicate that she's not interested in you. It just means she's not comfortable with you touching her body on the 1st date. That's all. Some girls don't mind though. While others do. It all depends on your date. 2nd on my list is a date in the park. Go to a park. Not the park with the swings and the local kids playing tag in the water. Not that park. I'm talking about an adult park. (That's what I like to call it). Over in New York City central park will be a good place for a date. You can go bike riding in the park with your date. You can get some fun out of that. Or roller skate or do anything else the park gives you permission to do. Some parks have a great view of a lake or a beautiful streaming fountain. The things around you can make the date go special. Being in the park, walking and talking. Enjoying the views is a very relaxing date. 3rd on my list will be the arcade. If your date isn't into games or any arcade games then you may skip this place. But remember that dates are all about fun. You want to see how funny or cool your date can be. You can talk with him/her and play laser tag. And, of course, see how much he/she sucks at dance revolution. 4th on my list is her house or your house. Some people really think that this is the worst thing to do for a first date. But if you and your date have been talking for a long time and have known each other for a while then why is this a bad thing? This shouldn't even be bad at all. Me I have gone to girls houses a bunch of times. And we are only friends and nothing has ever happened. And I've never tried to have sex with them. I have seen women in pajamas. I have seen women in their bras. Women have even sat right on my lap. I did not get horny or hard off of that. Or anything else I've seen. Not all guys think like me. I know that. But if you're a guy and your date is at her house converse with her. If you're a lady reading this then converse with him. You just don't go to a stranger and say "Let's go on a date". You actually get to know the person 1st before going on one. If the person is cool then you say, "Hey come to my house on our first date I'll make us pizza". Simple. If you see the person isn't good, then you simply don't invite them over. For the simple fact that he/she might want you only for sex or have bad intentions

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