"Pebble," Kelvin stated simply, placing it into his bag.

"Why did you choose to come study the Nagaul Clan?" Abigail queried. "Oh uh...we were sent here by a Kitsune," Sumedha shared as Sophie glanced at her. "Ah, you're being very honest," Abigail voiced, a warm smile spreading across her face.

"You guys can detect lies?" Sophie guessed. Abigail nodded, Sophie feeling proud yet again for speaking to a stranger. "We are some of the most spiritual people out there. The Nagauls blessed us with the power of the Truth. We gave away our ability to lie and were given the ability to sense lies. Some, like Gabriel over there, are able to spirit walk. It is where we detach ourselves from our bodies and help us see more then the human eyes can," she explained, pointing at a boy with a loose leather shirt.

The students nodded, absorbing the information. Sophie had to note that the Nagauls were way more excited than she expected, because they were willing to share any of their information to 'travelling gypsies'.

The rest of the trip was silent, giving Sophie the chance to reflect. Her confidence has improved ever so slightly, and the warm tinge of joy filled her. She was going to work on it more often.

They arrived at a campsite, which was situated right outside a cave. The smell of soup wafted through the air. "Abigail, you're back!" called a girl, waving her hand to greet them. "Abigail, Gabriel, I told both of you to lead the patrol, not bring back strangers," snapped an elderly looking man. He had wrinkles on his forehead and silver hair which were combed together to make it neat. His hands were wrinkly and his arms were veiny.

"They're travelling gypsies. We already checked them!" Gabriel claimed excitedly. Sophie wanted to correct them, but technically they weren't wrong either. Revealing that they were from a whole other world will probably inflict fear and unwanted curiosity among them.

"Travelling Gypsies? We haven't met one ever since the previous one died," revealed the elder man. Sophie coughed stiffly, a worried feeling crossing her. "Unlike the impressive Empires and Kingdoms that have developed outside the kingdom, us Nagaul's chose to stick to the traditional ways, so we can remain as spiritual as possible," explained Abigail as the Nagaul people ushered them into the cave, seating them down on stone chairs. "Ask whatever you need," the elder man said. "I think we might die here," whispered Hanlu.

"Uhm...how's the rulership like here? The royal family?" asked Felicia. The elder man sat down. "We don't exactly rule anyone here. The older you are, the more people listen to you. Thus, the Elders are the most important in the Clan. We provide valuable advice and leadership for the younger ones. I am an Elder myself," he shared proudly, puffing his chest out. "Elders are wise," claimed Jarrett.

Hanlu began scribbling on her notebook as Gabriel placed a feather and an ink bowl on the table. "Would you like to try our specially made ink? We mash blackberries and huckleberries with squid ink to form our precious ink," he appealed. Sophie reached out to take a feather, dipping its tip into the ink and writing with it. "Woah, the ink is awfully smooth. Are you sure there isn't something else you put you in here?" she inquired.

Gabriel grinned. "We bless the ink with our fervent chanting. Or, that is what the Elders have been telling us," he disclosed. Sophie wrote it down. The ink was smooth and didn't smudge when she shut the notebook.

"You're hurt!" gasped Abigail, startling the people in the cave. She pointed at Jarrett's bleeding arm. "Oh uh, Gabriel scratched me. The sheer force of the attack...I'm surprised my back survived," he answered. "Bring them to the healing hut!" announced the Elder.

The healing hut was built out of mud and stones, held together with a strange lime green material, which Abigail said was woven out of the Truth. Whatever this Truth thing was, it was soft yet very sturdy, holding the entire hut together fairly well.

I didn't know the Nagauls chose to reject development. When I was still alive, they were experts in many things, the most prominent being herbs and building.

"Uhh...spirituality? They did mention wanting to keep the ability to spirit walk," Sophie responded. Radiance let out a whole-hearted chuckle.

It's been about 500 years since I roamed this earth. I didn't know they changed.

Jarrett had to place his arm on the table as Gabriel mashed together some weird looking plants. "A mixture of marigold to ease the bleeding and cotton flowers to absorb the blood. The rest of the wound has to heal on its own," explained Gabriel, noticing her curious stare. He slowly and carefully poured the mixture onto Jarrett's hand, who winced, clenching his fist.

"We have to stay here for 3 days. And it seems like we've already finished nearly all the research. We know about their herbs, healing hut, powers, leadership, etc etc. What else do we need to research about?" whispered Andrew.

As if on cue, a Nagaul boy burst into the hut. "Please send help, a patrol has been attacked!"

Ancestors: The Other WorldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon