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Let's start at the beginning. I grew up in New York City. The city that never sleeps. I had many encounters with women. Not sexually, but I'll spare you the details. We're here to learn about the evolution of a man who has dealt with women almost all his life. (I am still living so I can't say all my life) . And I am that man. Ever since I started school women were my major interest. When I was 5 years old I knew they were different from me. And I noticed that. I'm sure that contributed to my fascination with the understanding of women. Some of my girlfriends (My friends that are girls), told me I should write a book or even teach something to the men of this time period. I thought it was a crazy idea until now. Let's go to my first kiss. I always thought my first kiss was supposedly in kindergarten. With the light skin girl. I still remember her. She had gorgeous eyes. I really don't know why women's eyes are so important to me. Her eyes resembled the color of a very luxurious dark chocolate. Her lips were pink and glossy. Very easy to see the shine of her lips with the sunlight beaming towards the classroom. We sat next to the window. She had drawn a picture of us. She told me, "Wait a second". And quickly removed the paper from my sight. I knew she was doing something else to the picture. She then put the picture back on the table. "Smell it". She told me. And I picked up the drawing. The aroma of the picture triggered my nose as I glanced to take a sniff. It was the smell of her perfume.Unfortunately, that wasn't the girl I kissed. The first girl I kissed was my own cousin. Yes. On the lips. I know because she told me. The kindergarten girl was sweet though. I thought it was sweet. I mean, I was 5. Everything was sweet back then. Playing tag in the school yard, eating and not giving a fuck about how you looked. Coming home with no homework to do. That was the life. I was living the dream. I know it may not be very masculine to say this, but I think the actions that a girl does without having to spend money are sweet. Like I don't need a $100 watch for me to know a girl likes me. No . No way. And back in kindergarten that girl showed me that.

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