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TW - Suicide

"GEORGE!" Dream screamed

The cold wind brushed Dream's hair as he ran. The sky was partly cloudy and the sun was setting. Right in front of him was George, his crush, his best friend, his everything, his reason of existence.

He was staring into the sunset while standing on the ledge of the second tallest building in the city.

Dream was horrified. This had to be a dream. No, a nightmare. Whatever it was, it couldn't be real.

"George please! Listen, I see now that you're hurting but you can't do this to me George I-"

"I'm sorry Dream" George gave him a soft smile before leaning backwards.

Panic, fear, and worry filled Dreams body.

He instantly bolted towards George. His stomach turning and sobs escaping his lips. Dream reached for George but he was too late.

"GEORGE!!!" Dream screamed with pain, sadness, and heartbreak.

He looked down helplessly at George. Everything was in slow motion. Georges's soft, brown hair glowing in the sunset. His eyes, full of sadness, as they were slowly closing. He had a soft, heartbreaking smile on his face.

Having to watch helplessly as George fell knowing you can't do anything was straight from a horror story.

Sapnap broke through the door of the stairs that led to the rooftop.

"DREAM! I GOT YOUR TEXT AN-" Sapnap stopped and looked up. His face changing almost instantly. His scared and worried expression was now undescribable.

"NO! GEORGE!" Sapnap yelled while running to where Dream was. He grabbed Dream's arm so he wouldn't fall off the edge.

Dream was sobbing and absolutely heartbroken. The pain was enough to burn him alive, draining every bit of emotion out of him.

Then, Dream jerked awake.

He's had this nightmare for the past three nights. Ever since George died. Ever since he killed himself. It wasn't really a dream/nightmare, it was more of a memory playing on repeat. But, everything was exact. Everything was the same as that evening.

George's funeral was today. Sapnap and Bad walked into his room. Dream had told them about the nightmare two nights ago so they could tell he had this nightmare again.

Bad sat on the bed then leaned down to hug him. Sapnap stood in the doorway sadly. Dream knew it was because he felt helpless. He felt like he couldn't do anything. Which, in all honesty, he cant.

"Hey- uh- w-we should probably get ready for- um- the- uh- funeral" Sapnap stuttered trying not to upset Dream even more. Bad and sapnap walked out letting Dream get ready.

It was hard to tell that the reflection in the mirror was him. He hasn't gotten any sleep and hadn't eaten anything or gotten out of bed.

Dream jumped in the shower. It didn't make him feel better. He brushed his teeth. It didn't help. He put on clean, fancy clothes. Still didn't help. Nothing would help because George was his everything and without him, he was nothing.

Dream looked over at the untouched PC. He thought about when him and George would play. How they would flirt and everyone would think Dream was joking but he honestly wasn't. He wondered if he could ever play Minecraft again. Or stream.

Out of pain and anger, he walked over to the PC and smashed it with his fists.

"Dream?!" Bad came running in soon after wondering what the lound sound was. "Dream! What- what are you doing?! You spent so long to save up for this!"

They stood there staring at the broken PC. It was broken like his heart.

"I'm ready to go." Is all Dream said. The truth is, he wasn't. He felt like he was moving on too quickly. It hurt.

Bad signed and walked out of the room. Before Dream followed,  he looked at a picture of him and George.

"Please come back George. Please. I need you. Why did you leave me?" Dream sighed and walked out the door.

Still with youOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora