
Alex, Reggie, and Luke finish performing again, losing count of how many songs they've played. They finally sit down at their table, exhausted. "That was one crazy show. Are all these people sworn to secrecy or something? Since it is a secret club." Alex says to Bobby. "Or something... Yeah, let's just say Caleb's offered everyone here with their membership, the opportunity at making it big. And it's worked! They've all happily accepted and now every person in this room is rich and happy." Alex nods, turning around to Willie. "Isn't that insane? You get money, fame, and parties like this all the time? Wow. I'm seriously considering it and asking the guys." "Me too! Maybe Caleb would take me up on my skateboarding skills. I'm not that good though." "Willie, are you kidding? You're awesome at skating. I wish I could skate half as good as you." "Maybe I could teach you sometime? "I'd like that..." Alex says blushing. "So maybe we both sign up and be famous and rich together?" Alex asks, scooting closer to Willie. "I mean, yeah, man. Why wouldn't you just want to hang out and, you know... do this forever?" He says. "You mean like... us?" "More or less. There's a lot to like... about you." Willie says with an adorable smile. Alex feels his heart flutter. Willie winks and gets up to get more food. Luke takes notice and walks over to Alex.

"Oh, you got a crush on Willie!" Luke says, sitting next to Alex. "What? No. No, man. No. We're just-" Alex says, his voice going higher and higher, signifying that he was lying. "Alex, I'm happy for you." Luke says. Alex smiles at him. "Thanks Luke. I'm glad I didn't get stuck with a crazy psycho ex." "Yeah, no problem. I wouldn't want anyone else as my ex-boyfriend."

"I take it you boys are enjoying yourselves?" Caleb says to them. "Yeah, I mean you'd have to be insane to have a bad time here." Luke replies. "Well, entertainment is our specialty. So now, I understand there's something I can help you with." Caleb bows. "Yeah, we hope so. We've heard about your reputation and record company... We were wondering how much of a possibility we have with that?" Reggie says. "Well, sure, I could do that, discuss record deals, yada, yada, yada. But alas, we're at a party! Why focus on that right now when we're among friends? Why don't you boys play some more songs with us? Who knows, maybe you can live your biggest dreams by showing me the best you've got? You three are like me. Born to perform your music in front of sold-out crowds."

"Nah dude. Let's show him more! Come on! We haven't rocked our socks off yet!" Reggie whispers to Luke and Alex. "Yes, and maybe after, you boys can join my record deal and play with me." 'Play with you? Sorry Mr. Wilson, but we already have a band." Luke says to him apologetically. "Yes! Yes! Julie! Tell you what... Why don't you bring her over to me and we'll figure something out?" "Well, it could be cool to play here and sign with you." "Oh, it... it's not just here. You sign and perform with me, we'll tour and party like this all over the world. Hollywood, Paris, Venezuela, you name it. All your dreams come true." "Oh lá lá." Reggie says. Alex shakes his head, snapping Reggie out of his fantasy. "I'll give you some time to think about it. Play me another set?" Caleb says. The boys nod, rushing over to the instruments at the stage.


Julie paces around in the wings.. Flynn comes up to her. "It's eleven o'clock. I can only stall for so long. I think you should just play by yourself. Band or no band, you'll be amazing." Julie sits on the floor in frustration. "You saw me the other day. I can't play without them! They'll be here. They have to." Nick comes up behind her again. "Issues?" He says to her. "Always. My piano won't work." Julie says. She presses the keys but no sound comes out. Nick observes the piano, picking up the cord. "You don't have to." Julie says frantically. Nick picks up the end of the cord, which wasn't plugged into the wall. "Here's... the problem." He plugs the piano in and taps a key. Miraculously, sound comes out. "That is unless... you didn't want it plugged in." He holds out his hand and helps Julie up. "Hey, don't let this crowd freak you out. What I saw last time you played was insane. You got this." He said sweetly. Julie smiles, nodding. "I knew you had it in you." Nick says, walking over to Flynn. "Wait, what!" Julie screams.

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