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Los Feliz High School, one of the top arts schools in Los Angeles. The school buzzes with life as you hear music around every corner. Julie Molina sits in her chair, her friends Genevieve Castillo, Carrie Wilson, and Flynn excitedly explaining their new choreography ideas to her.

"Carrie had the BEST idea Jules! You don't understand." Flynn nudges Carrie. Genevieve leans forward, resting  her head on Carrie's shoulder. "Why don't you tell her your thoughts." Carrie opens her mouth to speak but is quickly cut off by their teacher, Miss Harrison. She crosses her arms and gives the girl a stern look.

"Girls. I know you four are excited about Dirty Candy performing in the pep rally, but can discussions wait till after class please?"

Julie shoots a look at her three best friends, hiding a smile. "Yes Miss Harrison, we're sorry. We won't do it again." Miss Harrison smiled at them, resuming class.

Outside, in the front of the school, a group of four guys, Luke Patterson, Reggie Peters, and Bobby Wilson stood against the wall. "Again Bobby?" Luke said, irritated. "I'm sorry dude. I didn't expect to miss this many rehearsals." "I get it. You want to find your dad but-" "The band comes first. I know." Bobby sighs, thinking to himself while the other 2 guys stand there quietly. "I think I'm going to leave the band." "WHAT?" The three guys yell loudly. "Only for a little while! I just need to find myself. Find my dad! That's all I ever wanted!" "Then LEAVE Bobby." Luke lets out an angry sigh and flings the door open, walking inside the school. Alex gives Bobby a sad look before following him in. "We'll catch you later, Okay?" Reggie puts a hand on Bobby's shoulder. "It'll be okay. He just needs to let off some steam. After school?" Bobby nods, watching Reggie walk inside. He shakes his head, and leaves the building and the band behind. Luke storms into Miss Harrison's class, Reggie and Alex quietly following.

"Mister Patterson. Mind the door please. Thank you for deciding to join us today boys."

Genevieve stared at Luke, the two making eye contact. She leans over to Julie. "Who's that?" "That's Luke Patterson" "What's his deal?" "No clue."

Miss Harrison straightens herself out. "Now that we are all here, let's get started with today's lesson. Since we are halfway through the term, I am going to assign a group project." A bunch of cheers echoed throughout the room. "But I am going to pick your groups." The cheers quickly changed to groans. "I know. I am such a bad teacher. You are going to create a performance whether it is singing, dancing, or something else. Please keep it school appropriate. Your performance is due next week.  As for groups..." She flips up a paper on her clipboard. "Julie, you will be with Genevieve-" The two girls high five. "-Luke, Reggie, and Alex. Carrie and Flynn, you will be with Nick and Kayla..." The teachers' voice trailed off as they all went to find their groups.

Julie and Genevieve walked up to the group of boys. "So why the long faces?" Julie asks, sitting down next to them. Reggie looks up at her. "Nothing... We just think we lost one of our band members." Luke joins in, scoffing. "Yeah. He's going on a self-discovering journey to find his dad." Genevieve crosses her arms. "Hey. There's nothing wrong with taking time off for yourself. It's healthy and-" Luke glances up at her, cutting her off. "Unnecessary." Julie shifts around in her seat uneasily, quickly cutting in, easing the tension. "Right... Any ideas?" Alex sits up straight. "Well, we could use some Sunset Curve songs?" Genevieve perks up at the name. "Sunset Curve?" Luke slaps Alex in the arm. He yelps in pain. "DUDE! Are you kidding? Those songs are exclusive. Sunset Curve exclusive." Julie laughs and raises an eyebrow. "What's Sunset Curve?" Reggie lets out a big smile. "Oh! It's just our band. Tell your friends!" Luke lets out another sigh and turns away from the group, scribbling into his notebook. "Is he always this annoying?" Genevieve asks. Alex and Reggie laugh. "Nope. Just around you apparently." The bell rings, signaling the end of school. "See you next week! Have a good weekend!" Their teacher says. They all quickly exchanged numbers. "Hey! How about we head to my house? We can finish discussing it there?" The group nodded, all walking to Julie's house.

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